View Full Version : 1910 chilean 308 conversion
02-02-2013, 12:18
LGS just one in....Matching for the most part... Stock went thru Orests wash cycle....Plainly marked 308....Had the dreaded CAI stamp...The shop was crowded and I did have any gauges with me....the interior of the barrel is above average condition....The finish on the barrel, match's the rest of the rifle....The milling marks on the outside of the barrel are very deep and course...The are no Israeli markings....The Israeli 98's are the only ones I saw in the late 80's...Would anyone have a clue who would have installed a 308 barrel....I am mildly interested in it at $ 150...Thank you for any help ....regards
A web search revealed Chile converted many shot-out '95's to 308 by boring the barrels and soft-soldering a chamber insert in.
I would consider any rifle with a converted barrel as suspect until inspected by a competent gunsmith.
I would agree with gwp, make certain it's not one with the soldered in 308 insert. If you do a search for "Model 1912 Chilean Mauser, 308 conversion" you'll find the Gunboards discussion on the Model 1912 (98 Styer). Click on that site and scroll down until you find the site for "rebooty". The "rebooty" site has an EXCELLENT discussion about the issue of these inserts in model 95 and 98 Chilean mausers, including a cross sectioned view of the placement of an insert in a barrel which clearly shows the issue at hand. Basically the converted rifles were neve meant for unlimited use. On the other hand, your gun might have been rebarreled with a dedicated 7.62/308 barrel, just make certain of what you're looking at.
The site kcw referenced:
02-02-2013, 03:06
MY Bad, I am sorry for posting wrong info....This what happens when you run around to the local gun shops.....It is a Styer marked receiver on the left side...I easliy get confused....the crest is chilean ( I Think)....I am sorry for putting out bad info....Beneath the crest it is stamped .308....Is this a 95 or 98 mauser?....It does have a straight handle....The stock cartouche is visible and matching.....This is what happens when I venture away from what little I know....The wood is a light colored, walnut?Sorry....regards
A M1895 Mauser will be marked like this on the side of the receiver,It may also be manufactured by DWM.It will have a two locking lugs on the bolt and cock on closing.
The Chilean 98 Mausers-
02-02-2013, 07:30
I have one like the one in JB's picture, except it has a Smith-Corona 3-44 barrel,( 4 twist,) head spaced to 308 Nato cal. Custom Stock, and a Redfield 4 power on a Redfield mount and rings. It's a X Ring shooter.
02-02-2013, 07:37
JBinIll, Thank you for the link....That is what I saw, 23 inch, in the white receiver marked 308/61 ....I take the 61 was the year of conversion?...Do you know the barrel manufacture?....Do they shoot well....It is good to know it is a 98 action....I intend to gauge the muzzle on my next visit....If it reads less than one, I may buy it....thanks again for the link...All kinds of off the wall stuff is comming out of the closets here...I would feel better if it was an Israeli 7.62....
Mickey Christian
02-11-2013, 05:25
I have a 1912 Chilean that now wears a 450 Marlin barrel hee hee.
I just picked up another one but the stock and bolt #'s do not match.
It too has the "61" on it and is marked NATO.
The stock is a cut down 1912 Chikean with the crest. The stock was not drilled for a cleaning rod whrn converted. Barrel is pristine inside, but all the outside shows some wear. Cost $200.00 but think it is well worth it.
02-13-2013, 03:27
I went back to gauge it, but I stopped when I saw the CA import stamp....regardsd
I went back to gauge it, but I stopped when I saw the CA import stamp....regardsd
Why would that stop you?
I've got several Steyr Chilean Mausers that are still in 7x57, but have heard that the "short" .308 Nato conversions were done with US 03A3 barrels cut and rechambered to .308. Have also heard that the longer 29" barreled conversions, both 1912 large ring and 1895 small ring were done by reboring the barrel and using a chamber insert. I would stay away from those.
Calif Steve
03-01-2013, 08:25
I have a nice Remington 2 groove barrel on my 7.62mm Chilean Mauser, good shooter. Also have a very nice Gew98 in 7.62mm. Long barrel, with a lovely blue job, I understand the Gew98's had the chamber sleeve silver soldered in place. Not going to come out. The 95 Mausers in 7.62mm should be avoided by the shooter, but nice collector piece. I understand Chile ended up with all (most) of the 7.62mm Garands. Very late 1990's all got shipped out of Anniston. Hard to bring back, now.
03-02-2013, 05:26
Calif Steve, Went back to the shop, and it was sold...I keep my CAI imports to the Swede's....Thanks for sharing your knolwledge...regards alex
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