View Full Version : What weight bullet is best for two different AR's?
I have two ARs. One is an M4 Carbine with a 16" 1 in 7 twist barrel. The other is an A2 with a 20" 1 in 9 twist barrel. I am going to start reloading some of the buckets of .223 brass I have and would like to build one load that is sufficient for both guns. I'm not looking for bench loads or any type of serious target load, just something that is decent for both guns. I've read a lot of recommendations of the 62gr for the 16" but am unsure of how well it'll work in the A2.
I'll most likely be using H335 for the powder but am open to suggestions on that as well as primers. Ideally I would like a multi-caliber powder that I can also use for .308 and 30-.06 for my FAL, M1A and 17 or so Garands.
FWIW I plan on utilizing my Dillon 550b once I work up the load.
Varget .......... & Sierra 69 MK oughta do good in both
62gr will function in both, but 69 would be better in the 1/7 twist. For the Garand, I'd stick with 4895 or 4064. I'm not familiar with H335.
Jim in Salt Lake
02-07-2013, 11:11
I would second the suggestion of Sierra 69gr MKs for use between your two rifles. I looked up H335 and there's loading data for it. I've never used this powder but saw it's ball type which is good to use in your Dillon powder measure. I load a lot of .223 for our junior high power team and use a Dillon 550. I normally use Ramshot TAC, also a spherical powder and it meters like a dream. The extruded powders (Varget, AR-COMP, IMR4895) don't work real well for me in a Dillon. I wouldn't load for a Garand with anything other than IMR4895/4064, H4895, or Varget. TAC has load data for .308 but not .30'06. I can get IMR4895 to meter OK with a Dillon powder measure but my old RCBS measure does a lot better. I end up trickling charges for my long range .30'06 stuff, using IMR 4064/4350 or Reloder 19, these loads are used in a M1903 and would hurt a Garand. My favorite Garand powder is IMR4895, that's what the rifle was designed to use. However, in this climate, I don't think you can have favorites, my current favorite is whatever I can get that has good data and won't hurt the gun. Getting back to bullets, availability of those is not real good either. You may have to load separately for each rifle, depending on what you can get.
you might be able to shoot the hornady 75g HPBT match bullet in the 1:9 and if it will, you can load IT for cheaper than the Sierra 69g SMK by virtue of Hornady selling cheaper than Sierra. if you DO go with the 75g Hornady, start with about 23.3-23.5g of Varget or IMR 4895. you CAN go as high as 25g but watch your pressure signs starting with 24.0-24.2g...
i agree that Varget MIGHT NOT flow the greatest in a rl550b. when i load it with mine, i make sure i 'bump' the handle at both ends of the stroke to help prevent bridging in the the powder funnel. it IS a nice stable powder though (unlike WW748 which ive used with the 69 SMK which will get me 3/8 MOA off a bench)...
[QUOTE=Jim in Salt Lake;286202...I normally use Ramshot TAC, also a spherical powder and it meters like a dream...[/QUOTE]
have you got any load data for TAC and a 75g Hornady? ive got 8lbs of it but never used it since i dont have any data...
Jim in Salt Lake
02-07-2013, 01:45
Found data at Ramshot's site: 21.7 - 24.1 gr. I bought an 8 lb jug last summer at Camp Perry, I really wish I'd bought two. Good suggestion on those Hornady 75s, I agree, would bet they'll work in the 1:9 and they are cheaper. We shoot Sierras because of the wonderful support they give our juniors.
Johnny in Texas
02-07-2013, 02:48
I load 52 gr HP SMK 55 gr FMJ 62 gr FMJ and 69 gr HP SMK with H335 in 1 in 7 and 1 in 9 and all perform exell.
stay with IMR 4064 & IMR 4895 for your Garands they are the best for M1's..... bar none, no other powder is nearly as good for Garands........Varget works well thru our Dillon 550, Win 748 does too.......
I've only had one 1:9" AR barrel, and it would stabilize bullets up to 75 gr, but it did not shoot well with anything over 55 gr. With 52 gr bullets, 26.5 gr of 748 and a CCI primer in a WRA or LCD case it would shoot little knots at 200 yards.
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