View Full Version : Persian Mauser...handloading range report
Last year I glommed a Persian Mauser that had been drilled and tapped for a scope. Included the mount, rings and a very nicely turned down bolt handle.
It is in pristine condition and I finally got around to handloading some 8x57 rounds for it. I used 44.5, 45.0, 45.5, 46.0 and 46.5 grains of IMR 4064 pushing a 200 grain Nosler CC bullet, 5 round groups @ 100 yards
The 44.5 and 46.0 grain loads were pretty much wash outs. The 45.0 load was the best, followed by the 46.5 gr. The 45.5 grainer was also pretty good, but had a flyer of about 4", completely off the target. In fact all three of these groups looked good...maybe 1.25MOA, except for a flyer...every time.
I know, I's a travesty, but that is how it came to me. I did mount a 10x40 Bushnell scope on it.
Here are the groups.
45.0 grains
45.5 grains
46.5 grains]
Thinking of going with the 45 grain load at the Vintage Military match this weekend...they are going to a third relay, so I could shoot this rifle in the "open class" and a Swiss in the "as issued".
Anyone have a pet 8mm Mauser load?
02-15-2013, 09:44
My brother and I use this load hunting:
47 H4895 and 220 gr Hornady spire point or Barnes X-bullet. The load burns good in a 22" barrel. Another elk load I've used is 50 H450 with the same bullets. Both loads are strong but not primer-popping hot. Work up to them in your rifle.
I had good luck with this load in my G98: 49 H380 over a Speer 170 gr. SP. It's not hot but I got good accruacy.
Good luck with your 8!
Thanks, jon
Because the match is tomorrow, I went ahead with the 45.0 grains of 4064 load.
Went to the range today to zero the scope on my Persian with the 45.0 grain load.
First shot struck edge of the black at 3:00 o'clock. Cranked in 12 clicks to the left and fired 6 more. I'm still getting some vertical stringing. I rechecked the action screws and tightened them about an eighth of a turn...didn't seem to have much affect.
It is now sighted in at 100 yards. Guess I'll need to find some generic come ups for the scope for the match tomorrow animal silhouettes at ranges of 220 to 550 yards) will at least give me a place to start.
02-16-2013, 07:23
Just about every milsurp I've ever owned strung shots vertically. And the longer the barrel or the more iron hanging off the forestock, the worse they strung. Once the barrel gets hot, though, the Mausers are just golden!
Good luck in your match.
Thanks, Jon
The old girl did well at the match yesterday. I tied for second place with a 37/40. The winner was shooting a scoped Finnish 28/76. I ended up third after the shoot off with two others that also scored 37/40. One was shooting a scoped K31 and the other a scout-scoped Swedish M38 Mauser. The shoot off involves shooting the turkeys at 420 yards in a sudden death format. The K31 shooter dropped out after 4 rounds and then the Swede shooter and I went 6 more rounds. The crowd was getting restless, so the match director decided to settle it by having us shoot at the chickens off hand. Trying to shoot the Persian off hand was a little much and after three rounds, the Swede shooter connected with a chicken and it was all over
The match involves shooting chicken, pig, turkey and ram silhouettes at ranges of 220 yards (chickens), 330 yards (pigs), 420 yds (turkeys) and rams (550) yards. Rifles are 50 year old "as issued" rifles, shot prone off a soft front rest (sand bag or backpack). There are also "open class" for scoped military rifles, "target sight class" for the diopter sighted military rifles and "vintage sporter" Here's a picture of the silhouette range at my club:
We also shoot these same rifles in a " long range" vintage military match. This is a match shot at paper bullseye targets at 300, 500, 600, and 800 yards.
This match is shot at the 1000 yard range at the top of this satellite picture
02-18-2013, 10:43
Thats neat. I wasn't thinking your rifle would do that well against a Swiss or Finnish MN. How are you reading the wind?
Did you ever get the script on your rifle translated? Post close ups if you like.
With vertical stringing it's almost always a bedding problem. It might be worth it to get the action bedded in your Mauser.
Here are some close ups...
Here is a shot of the bore...
With vertical stringing it's almost always a bedding problem. It might be worth it to get the action bedded in your Mauser.
Thanks, Tuna. I hate to get the action bedded on this because it would be flirting with a rules violation for some of the vintage military matches that my sons and I shoot in.
Results of the military silhouette match last weekend[/QUOTE]
02-24-2013, 05:54
Left Side Receiver Serial Number (In Iran, Numbers are read left to right): it has five numbers and a letter; "05056 ayn" (the twenty-first letter in the Farsi alphabet). Script (Read Right to Left: Toe-fang Nay-moo-neh 1309 Kar-haw-neh Ass-lah-hay Saw-zee Brno (Rifle Model 1309 Factory Weapon Manufacturing Brno (or, Asslahhay can also mean 'rifle'; Sawzee can also mean 'making' or 'building'; 1309 is the Persian Calendar Year equal to approximately 1929 Gregorian calendar)
Right Side Receiver: Crown Proof Mark, Crossed Swords, alphabet letter "seh", alphabet letter "teh", number "12"
Bolt: reading left to right; number "6" (partially ground away), letter 'ayn'
Also, there might be some numbers, proofs or other words stamped on the wooden stock in various places. I wouldn't intentionally modify a 98/29 but I would still like to have a rifle like yours!
Thanks, shooter.
I agree with you...I would never modify a Persian, but since someone had already done the dirty work...
Here's the punchline. They had about 5 of these Persian Mausers at the auction that I won this at. Except for the sporting work, this was in about the best condition. It went for about half of what the others went for. I got it for not much more than the previous owner must have spent on the gunsmithing.
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