View Full Version : M1917 / 03 Grenade Launcher
Tom in GA
02-17-2013, 10:29
I am contemplating selling my M1917 M2 converted to 03 grenade launcher. I have been trying to determine a sales price, but I am getting everything from $200 to $800 in value. Does anyone want to chime in here as to its value? It is in excellent condition with a balck parkerized finish. I do not see a makers has the M1917 mark with the 17 over stamped with 03. It also has the removable metal ring for adjusting the range. Thanks!
I have two 1903 Grenade launchers and a mint in the wrap 1917 launcher. The 1917 one has no makers stamp so yours is correct.
They are rather scarce and I haven't seen one for sale in over a year.
I would say the 03 ones as well as your converted one would sell for between $500-$600 and the straight 1917 one in the wrap for about $700-$800, Ray
Tom in N.J.
03-02-2013, 07:41
Of the 112,327 M2 (M1917 rifle) grenade launchers made, only 39,793 were converted to M1 (M1903 rifle) dimensions. The M1 launcher was then authorized for use on both the M1917 and M1903 rifle. There are both M1 and M2 launchers made with K-M markings and no manufacturers markings. The unmarked launchers were made by MLS, as a sub for K-M. Photo shows, from top down: Short door early style M1, Long door later style M1, Unmarked M1 (MLS), KM marked M2 converted to M1 (M1917 over- stamped 03).
Scarce little buggers aren't they. Don't see too many around. Nice collection of them and I like your scarce early short door one. The unconverted 1917 ones are super scarce dispite the numbers quoted as most, if any launchers you see, are the converted ones or the 03 ones so I'm guessing that most of the 1917 ones must have been shipped out along with the Enfield rifles via lend lease or post war assistance to other countries. Ray
Tom in N.J.
03-03-2013, 08:47
rayg,.. You are correct, the unmodified M2 launcher for the M1917 rifle is super scarce. I have never owned one, and the wrapped one in your post is only the second one I have seen in 50 years. I would think the vast majority of M2 launchers went to Britain, China and the Philippines, from where they never returned.
I need to tell the story on how I finally obtained the 1917 launcher as it is most unusual.
I first saw it on a forum posted by an indivual that said he just bought it in an auction that was selling off some of the inventory of the Hershey Museum in Pennsylvania. The indivual said he was probably going to sell it so I emailed him that I was interested and he contacted me back with a price which I mailed him back that I agreed to and requested his address. Hearing nothing back after several more of my emails and after several days he then finally replied that his dad liked it and wanted it. So I was disappointed and figured that was that.
Now the rest of the story.
I went with a buddy who had a table to the JAG Louisville, Ky, gun and military show in June. It was about a 1300 table show, pretty big for a summer show. Now while watchng his table I decided to just walk the 10 feet accross the isle and check the tables which I hadn't brothered to check before but we were getting ready to leave the show in about half an hour. One of the tables almost directly accross from our table had all Japanese items on it except one thing and guess what that was? yep, the very same 1917 grenade launcher I was supposed to get from the indivual who backed out of the deal and who lived in Pennsylvania. I couldn't believe it, from Pennsylvania to Kentucky to 10 feet from me. What's the odds of that and especially in a 1300 table show.
The seller said he got it in trade from a guy in Penn, Maybe the father.
Of course I bought it but for a bit more money. Unbelievable isn't it? What's the odds of that and also that it remained unsold for two days of the show which may be contributed to it being mixed in with the Japanese stuff.
where do you get grenade launcher ammo?
03-04-2013, 04:39
I get mine out of the stack of .50 cal cans with "GL" painted on the latch , right at the end of many stacks of .30 cal cans full of ball, ap, and tracer.
couldn't resist.
Most of mine are the foreign ones , puts them in the same 5-6' circle at a 100 yds as GI. if I do my part and day is calm.
Here's my grenade launching setup. Note the hand grenade projector is the WWII version w/four prongs, Ray
Thanks for the posting the pictures of the launchers. Great thread. Like everyone else I'm always on the hunt for the M1's and the M2. thanks again.. m1 thru M76.. with assorted projectiles and grenade rounds...
Richard H Brown Jr
03-06-2013, 06:08 M3 grenade launching cartridge dimensions and load, if you want to try and make up some. M3 Blank ammo can be found at specialty collectables sites. Dummy aka blue training grenades can be found all over the web, along with the sights and launchers (of various models). Try Bill Riccia, or e-gunparts, or google.
Thanks for the posting the pictures of the launchers. Great thread. Like everyone else I'm always on the hunt for the M1's and the M2. thanks again.. m1 thru M76.. with assorted projectiles and grenade rounds...
CPC, nice collection, Ray
Like Tom's posting, I enjoy the pics you post of your collection as well as the information you provide to the forum. Thanks
CPC, looks like you may have an opportunity to increase your collection by buying the one OP Tom has, Ray
08-21-2013, 11:16
I have one of these and wish to part with it. Is this forum a place for such? I will attach photos.
Bay State Militaria just sold one $165.Item # 925-
Some body got a real good deal, That's what I had paid for my least expensive cost wise one 10 years ago, Ray
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