View Full Version : Price Check for military scope rings
What is the going price for a set of Type Two, military 7/8" scope rings with the rear ring locking screws? They look corrrect for the M81 and M82 type scope and maybe the M73B1. The clamping screws are on the top of the rings.
The Vintage matches have put a lot of pressure on these Five years ago i would have said $50.- $75. a set (top split) Now I would say if you need them grab them. Probably $200. a set is not unreasonable.
The horizontally split 7/8' rings used to go for $225. to $250. I haven't seen a set for awhile but they have been in short supply for a long time.
BTW by "Type Two" I suspect you mean "Harrison Type Two or the 7/8" diameter top split Redfield rings. They would initially have been intended for use on the M73 (the miltarized version of the Lyman Alaskan) and are also correct for the M81 and M82 which are just minor modifications of the M73. The M73B1 was a smaller Weaver scope and used 3/4' diameter top split rings ( the Harrison "Type 1").
The late J.C. Harrison wrote a series of handy pocket size collector's guides for several military weapons. When he would observe minor variations he would assign his own "Type" or "Model" Classification:eusa_liar:. Frequently his "types" or "models" were only loosely connected with Military nomenclature. In addition to the above like all printed reference works Harrison's book contains errors - sometimes factual, sometimes just editorial. And some other authors have objected to where Mr. Harrison borrowed content from their works.
In the final analysis Harrison's book can be a useful reference. But if you cite from it I would preface the citation with a reference that you are quoting from Harrison's book (or one of the web sites that have stolen pages from it!):icon_pirat:. Otherwise you may be hearing from forum members who disagree with harrison's practices:1948:.
Thanks jgaynor for the information. I just had a single sheet showing the various rings and bases used in the WW II weaponry, probably from a Harrison publicaton.. I am aware of the feelings regarding Harrison's collector guides and that many take his references with a bit of care. I had an offer to sell my rings but it is considrably lower than what you indicate. Thanks again.
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