View Full Version : I can't think of a better use for scant stocks$(KGrHqN,!qUFEECTVuNtBRIC5O1uUg~~60_57.JPG
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Rick the Librarian
02-23-2013, 11:30
I think Sarco used to sell them. Nothing wrong for shooting, but the Scant, in my opinion, deserves its' nickname of "warthog". :D
Bob in WA
02-23-2013, 02:50
No picture, just the red X
Tom Trevor
02-23-2013, 04:02
Firewood come to mind.
02-23-2013, 08:54
local gun shop has one of these, the stocks were mint before they built these, what a waste.
I think Sarco used to sell them. Nothing wrong for shooting, but the Scant, in my opinion, deserves its' nickname of "warthog". :D
Rick, you left off the A10 in front of "warthog". I as you know, consider that a compliment of the scant. :)
Rick the Librarian
02-24-2013, 07:57
Like the A-10, very functional but far from pretty!! :D
(P.S. The A-10 is one of my favorite "modern" aircraft)
Ah, in the eyes of the beholder,Lol.
A10, the modern day version of my favorite, the P-47 Thunderbolt.
If the P-47 is the finger groove stock,then I don't have a problem with the scant stock Corsair,or the P38.They are what they are!
While I would agree that the scant stock is not very attractive, it is way more desirable as a shooter than is the older straight stock.
Some day these stocks will be worth allot of money! Doubt that? The whole 1903 rifle once sold for 35-40 bucks and no, inflation does not make that 7-800 to-day. They are ugly tho!
Col. Colt
02-25-2013, 04:18
The Scant is the same as a "C" Stock except for the bottom of the pistol grip - same nice, high comb, much more comfortable to shoot than any stock except the "C". But, like Rodney Dangerfield, it "don't get no respect". Shoot one for a while and your attitude toward it might just improve..... CC
PS - Particularly if you shoot a straight grip "S" Stock next to it. No comparison. The higher comb/reduced drop makes a huge difference. "Warthog" is unfair. Pretty is as pretty shoots..... CC
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