View Full Version : More Kabars

03-10-2013, 12:33
I am intrigued by these knives. I just got another batch from the government auction. I paid too much for em but I like em so try to get em when I can.

In this batch I got several Conetta's MSI's Ontario's Camillus and looks like one commercial Camillus. Guess someone lost or liked the one they were issued and replaced it.

They run from slightly used to new looking. A decent batch.


03-10-2013, 07:22
What is the web address for the Goverment auctions. I used to have it.

03-11-2013, 12:20
Here ya go:


03-17-2013, 11:08
Very nice! My Army Brigade in Vietnam was on loan to the 3rd Marine Division and I was able to get a Camillus made Kabar. The leather grip was blackened, and the leather sheath was black also. I left it behind with a buddy when I came home.
Since then I have bought a Kabar "USMC Fighting Knife", recent manufacture, nothing collectible, just because I wanted one like I had long ago.
A couple years ago in our small town gun shop I paid $35 for one that is marked KA-BAR on the blade (without Olean NY), appears to be vintage because the leather washers were dried out and shrunken to the point of disintegration. It came with a steel/fiberglass scabbard marked
USN MK2 on one side and on the other side:
the number 8 with a line over it
VP with two little stars
I know mostly nothing about knives and bayonets other than the fact I like them. Did i do OK for $35?

Johnny in Texas
03-22-2013, 02:56
If the scabbard is nice it is worth more than for you paid. I remember when you could buy the knife you left in Vietnam for 35.00 in a Army surplus store I have an unissued one. I own about 20-25 Mark 2 USMC & USN marked WWII knives they are classic looking knives. I really like them.

Jon Field
03-25-2013, 05:31
Now this is a Ka-bar!

03-26-2013, 04:37
When I got to RVN in 1965, the scuttlebutt was that you could trade three K-Bars for a Thompson SMG. I had a Basic School classmate in supply, so the three K-Bars were no sweat. but by that time the supply of Thompsons had dried up. I still have one of the three K-Bars.

sac troop
04-01-2013, 07:10
Now this is a Ka-bar!

Jon is it all wood or just the handle?

Jon Field
04-01-2013, 07:56
Walnut handle, maple blade.

sac troop
04-02-2013, 11:05
Thanks Jon. Nice looking display. I know a blade smith that works out new designs the same way out of bass wood.

Jon Field
04-03-2013, 04:13
I made these for desk pieces, NCO School graduates, going away presents, even 2 Generals were presented with them by their troops. There is one in the display case at the 9th Marines Regimental Hqtrs, at Camp Hanson, Okinawa, I made that one in 1979. The first one I made was rough, but a Marine Capt, traded me a real K-Bar for it. I could not afford to but one, so the trade was great. Still have the knife today.