View Full Version : American Tacticle M1911 Military
Major Tom
03-10-2013, 09:21
I am looking at buying another 45acp pistol. This time around it is the one in the subject line. It's brand new w/one clip and seller includes a 50 rnd. box of Remington 230gr. JHP ammo for $450. I would like to view your thoughts/opinions of this pistol.
I, again, thank you for your advice.
Years ago someone told me stick with Colt. I see guys buy three or four other manufacturer's pistols and when you add up the money, they could have had a really nice custom Colt with all the flags and whistles. YMMV
never heard of em.........., see how it fits & how well it works.......... & feeds.. ya never know, might be okay.
Major Tom
03-11-2013, 05:26
They are made in the Philipines as is the Rock Island pistol. There were good reviews on the Rock Island. I was wondering if this pistol was made in the same factory.
dunno, suspect not or there'ld be RI somewhere on it or the book with it........
Scott Gahimer
03-11-2013, 09:22
Some of the pistols manufactured in the P.I. are marketed under different names in the U.S. ...same as many other foreign-made products marketed here. A little different name, packaging, etc... all based on who imports them.
randy langford
03-11-2013, 10:42
Don't Know if it is the same but my brother bought a American Classic made in Philippines. It seemed to be a well made gun I shot it and I think the trigger was better than my Springfield Armory and didn't cost near as much no FTF or FTE .
The 4.25'' american tactical called the 1911 gi is super smooth for the 450.00 price range. For what its worth i think they are quality.
glad to hear it..........always nice to hear of ones that work..............
broom jockey
03-12-2013, 11:23
I have one too. I've run about 500 rnds thru it with no malfunctions. The fixed sights are right on at 25 yards shooting 230 gr. ball. Quality is excellent and compares favorably with the 2 Colts I have. Big bang for the buck.
Dave Waits
03-15-2013, 09:10
There are two large Gun Companies in the PI, Armscor and the company that makes American Tactical. Can't remember their name right now but, the American Tactical is not made by Armscor(Rock Island Armory). I have a RIA GI-Model with over 33,000 rounds through it. Hasn't had a problem that wasn't ammo-related since round number 465. Still shoots into 2 to 2-1/2" from a rest at 25 yards when I do my part.
Jon Field
03-17-2013, 08:48
I have an American Tactical, the store I bought it from was calling it, "a poor man's Les Beauer". It is a well made, no problems from mine.
Jon Field
03-17-2013, 11:18
Picture of mine. Hit send to early, will work on picture.
Jon Field
03-17-2013, 12:53
I will try this again, yesterday I could upload pictures, today maybe not. It is hard to transfer from days of chaulk and blackboard, and sharpening your pencil in school with a jack knife to these new electric devices, but I'm trying.20903
I carry this when my Chocolate Lab and I check the perimeter each night, and use it in assorted fire fights and etc.
I've heard quiet allot of good about the RIA and saw some good articles on the American Tactical a while back. But with magazines, you never know if they got a kickback or just happened to get a quality gun or a lemon since they only test one in most cases.
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