View Full Version : Sometimes one picture is enough.
Scott Gahimer
03-20-2013, 10:53
03-21-2013, 12:56
I notice that they are not all alike. Is one a presentation piece?
jim c 351
03-21-2013, 06:32
Very interesting. My uncle Chuck was a navigator/bombardier in the pacific in World War 2. He brought his M1911 home with him and later sold it for peanuts. Now I'll always wonder if it was a Singer.
Jim C
03-21-2013, 07:34
Neat, Now you can buy a Maybach!
Recalling a buddy's statement that he captured a "Singer" near Baqubah (2004ish time frame); asked to see it and he said 'no, I know what I got'...hmm. Never did get a look. Another said he got a "Singer" near Kirkuk (2007ish time frame); looking it over revealed "U.S. & S. CO." Ah, too bad!! He had thought the "S" meant 'singer', alas, he was sorely disappointed...but he still got a M1911A1! (Many, many other guns captured over the years of various types -rifles, pistols, shotguns, subguns, etc ; of the 1911s personally seen, the vast majority were mix-masters, mainly Colt and RemRand.
Neat, Now you can buy a Maybach!
Recalling a buddy's statement that he captured a "Singer" near Baqubah (2004ish time frame); asked to see it and he said 'no, I know what I got'...hmm. Never did get a look. Another said he got a "Singer" near Kirkuk (2007ish time frame); looking it over revealed "U.S. & S. CO." Ah, too bad!! He had thought the "S" meant 'singer', alas, he was sorely disappointed...but he still got a M1911A1! (Many, many other guns captured over the years of various types -rifles, pistols, shotguns, subguns, etc ; of the 1911s personally seen, the vast majority were mix-masters, mainly Colt and RemRand.
I was in Kirkuk in 2005-2006 and saw a lot of interesting things, but none followed me home.
Scott Gahimer
03-21-2013, 09:31
I notice that they are not all alike. Is one a presentation piece?
Yes, the one on the far left is a presentation pistol. The other three are military issue pistols.
03-21-2013, 07:22
you sure do know how to take a nice picture...
03-21-2013, 07:40
I was in Kirkuk in 2005-2006 and saw a lot of interesting things, but none followed me home.
Didn't/don't mean to or imply or construe that any post-1898 firearms went back to the USA.
03-25-2013, 06:32
Finding a US&S ain't bad, either! Scott, are you cloning these things??
I bought a US&S a few years back from a gentleman that says he bought it from an Army-Navy surplus store or something like that in Dallas, Texas in the early 50's. He also thought he had a Singer, US&S = United Singer & Sewing. He said he gave $15 for it back then.........I had to give him quite a bit more. I'm hoping I'm the 4th owner.........military to gun shop to him to me (haha).
Scott Gahimer
03-25-2013, 08:55
You are more like the 5th (or later) owner. The military generally didn't let any pistols go directly to a surplus store. A GI probably swiped it and it was eventually sold to the owner of the store. No telling how many previous owners it may have had before it surfaced for sale commercially.
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