View Full Version : Question: Cast type VI slide. USGI? How can you tell if so?
Jim in Idaho
03-25-2013, 12:53
Gents, did the government ever procure cast slides for the Carbine? Any markings or characteristics to look for?
Johnny in Texas
03-25-2013, 04:40
Iver Johnson did not USGI
Springfield Armory did during the Korean war from an outside company as well as their own. While in general the cast slide was as good or better then the machined from a block of steel slides but there were enough slides already in use to make the development not worth while during the war. In 1956 the Armory once again worked with cast slides but it found that the work needed to make a finished slide was more expensive then the cost of machining from a block of steel so the use of cast slides ended. None were ever issued and all of those that were made were for testing only.
Dan in NY
03-25-2013, 07:40
I have a couple of those cast slides, all finished & parked. Look great, but are unmarked...(maybe the drawing # on bottom flat but thats it)..came out of an old collectors estate...I have no use for them, but are they any more valuable than say, an Inland type 6?
Dan, what is the drawing number on them? I ask as they may be from the Viet Nam era and would have been made by an outside contractor but I cannot find any info on any cast slides being used in production or as replacements. I would not think they would have any extra value and maybe less as they would not have been war time production or made at Springfield Armory.
Johnny in Texas
03-26-2013, 08:51
I stand corrected! If you are selling them they are selling for good money on ebay.
Dan in NY
04-01-2013, 02:00
Hi Tuna....Here's some close up pics of my unmarked, cast slides...They look used, but appear to be very well made...Are these SA-made? post-Korea?
Viet Nam era slides not made by Springfield Armory.
Dan in NY
04-01-2013, 08:44
Thanks Tuna....Johnny in TX is right...this guy just got $110.00 plus shipping for a worn, cast slide.... ...although I hate path is clear
Be glad you didn't bid on it win it. It's not USGI.
Dan in NY
04-03-2013, 04:19
Thanks more question about my two cast slides (above)...Would they still be considered "type 6"? seeing as they are cast, and Vietnam era, do they take on a new type in the eyes of a collector....Sort of new to these carbines and trying to get educated...
If they are not marked with a part number then they are NOT USGI, they are commercially made slides. Yes they would be a type 6 but have no collector value what so ever even if they are USGI slides.
Dan in NY
04-03-2013, 08:00
crystal clear....thanks
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