View Full Version : Hi-Lux Rear Adjustments?

04-06-2013, 09:27
Getting ready to depart for the range to sight-in my Hi-Lux USMC Scope (#453) when I came across this comment in the instruction manual.....,

"Before adjustment can be made with either turret, the LOCK SCREW must be loosened."

OK, so I did that to boresight the scope at the workbench.

My questions are;

- Do You Tighten it Up after sighting it in?
- If you do, how do you make adjustments later while firing?




04-06-2013, 09:40
This might be the reason I had trouble sighting mine in. Sunday March 7th I will be shooting in a match with Mike Sexton from Iron Sight Inc. and I will ask him.
http://www.ironsightinc.com/ Iron sight Inc. is the warranty station for Hi-Lux in the USA.

04-06-2013, 10:53

Thanks, standing by.......


Jim in Salt Lake
04-08-2013, 09:14
I left mine barely tightened and can still make adjustments as I shoot. I just tightened it enough so it won't come off, barely snug. I shoot mine in our Midrange matches, as well as CMP Vintage Sniper so I want to be able to roll in the elevation changes when you go to another firing line and windage adjustments, too. I've never given the lock screw another thought.

04-08-2013, 03:54

Barely snug was what I figured needed to be done. Didn't get to the range this weekend, but will tomorrow.

BTW - - - Did you Zero-Out the turrets after you got the zero you wanted?


Jim in Salt Lake
04-09-2013, 10:37
Hey Mark,

I set my mechanical zero at 100 yards. My elevation is about 5 clicks off the bottom, so I marked the knob with fingernail polish. For windage, I marked the scale and knob with polish, too. I haven't messed with moving the scales on the knobs and don't think I will. I had trouble initially with things coming loose but I think I'm past that now. Using the nail polish lets you easily remove markings if you need to. I guess I could reset the knob scales but I'm used to the polish.


05-14-2013, 10:08

PM sent.
