View Full Version : adding weight to a 1903 trigger?
Well my 1941 clone project is coming along well. Barrel/ mounts installed and re-parked by Chuck, CMP/Boyd stock that actually seems to fit and a Malcolm scope tweaked by Creedmoor ready to be installed. Only problem is the trigger will hold at 2 lbs but breaks without holding at the required 2 1/2. It is a delightfully sharp and clean break and I'm reluctant to replace the entire trigger.
Any suggestions how I can add that elusive 1/2 lb?.
04-11-2013, 12:30
heavier rebound spring
Duh!..Never thought of it...Thanks,
This may be a stupid suggestion, but what about a 1917 main spring? They're heavier than the 1903 and would speed up lock time? Dunno, just crossed my mind.
04-11-2013, 08:16
too big..and waaaay to long
I think I ran across one on a 1903 once, noticeably harder to cock and I had a heck of a time getting it off. I think it would have gone through a wall if it'd slipped.
04-12-2013, 06:48
your thinking of the firing pin spring...they will fit kinda...and make the 1903 bolt real tough to work.
the spring im talking about is the small rebound spring that returns the sear, and fits inside the hole, and sits against the bottom of the action.
you can adjust the trigger feel by trimming a coil off this spring...or using a weaker then original..
replacing this spring will make the pull feel heavier.
your thinking of the firing pin spring...they will fit kinda...and make the 1903 bolt real tough to work.
the spring im talking about is the small rebound spring that returns the sear, and fits inside the hole, and sits against the bottom of the action.
you can adjust the trigger feel by trimming a coil off this spring...or using a weaker then original..
replacing this spring will make the pull feel heavier.
. . . . . Or, simply change the angle of the sear/cocking piece interface!
Go easy here, 'cuz you can make the poundage increase too much in a nano-second! (Also, if too much material is removed, the safety may be MUCH more difficult to engage.)
Allen Humphrey
04-12-2013, 02:08
I could be wrong, (frequently I am) but I think the CMP Games trigger pull requirement is 3 1/2 pounds. I know it used to state it in the 2012 rules, but i can't seem to find it now in 2013.
edit: Yep, I'm wrong. The CMP created a new rule bood specific to the Games matches this year. Standard Springfield must have 3.5, but "manual" Sniper rifles may have 2.5. Semi Auto must still maintain 4.5 even in sniper configuration.
Carry on:)
Jim in Salt Lake
04-12-2013, 06:26
One of my juniors had his own Mark 1 1903 at Camp Perry last summer. When we went to get our triggers weighed, his rifle flunked with a too light pull. You should have seen his face, devastated! Well, the CMP armorers got out 2 buckets, one full of triggers, the other of sears, and put together a combination that passed. They did some other work but I couldn't see in the trailer real well. Whatever they did, that trigger felt like a million bucks. One happy kid! And no charge, thanks guys, you made his trip.
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