View Full Version : Bought my first Trapdoor today!
04-14-2013, 04:50
My club's Spring funshow was this weekend and I picked up this M1873 TD. SN 238579 which I believe means if was made in 1883, which is also the year of the stamped cartouche. The bore is shiny with good rifling and no rust or pitting anywhere on the gun. Most of the finish is present and other then some scuffs and dings on the stock, the wood looks great. I believe that all parts are present and correct. I also believe the sling which was included is an original, though it is missing both keepers. I think I did okay on price too.
I'm curious if the experts here have any comments on the rifle and its correctness. I have a lot to learn about TDs and wasn't out to buy one today but couldn't pass it up. I almost never see these around here. There was another '73 rifle but that one was missing swivels and a ramrod and its bore looked like a sewer pipe compared to this one and overall condition was so-so. There was also a carbine, though I'm not sure if it was a true carbine, as the front sight had obviously been reworked. It too was in shootable condition but nowhere near the very good to excellent condition of this one.
Is the front band on backwards here? I think the stacking swivel should be in front, correct? Both bands have the "U" on the left side of the rifle, does that matter on the rear band? I was trying to learn a little about TD rear sights, is this one a Model 1879 sight?
04-14-2013, 04:51
Dick Hosmer
04-14-2013, 05:22
Nice-looking rifle!
As to the bands, well, they are both backwards - the "U" belongs on the right side. :-)
And, yes, it does matter - they are slightly tapered and actually fit better when correctly oriented. That is a Model 1879 sight, and is correct for the date/serial number.
04-14-2013, 05:28
Thanks for the info, Dick. I probably should have gone into this with more information but am glad to hear it is what I thought I was getting. I almost walked away from the table but it kept calling my name!
That is a nice looking rifle, I second Dick. Nice rear sight with slotless screws. The way to remember on the "U"'s is that the ends point "UP" so the luck doesn't run out.
04-14-2013, 08:03
Nice pickup! Funny how that happens. Go to a gun show and come home with something unexpected. I'm sure you are going to enjoy shooting that fine rifle.
Nice rifle. Still some case color. Is that a stock repair under the trigger assy?
04-14-2013, 09:02
Nice rifle. Still some case color. Is that a stock repair under the trigger assy?
I'm not sure what is going on there. I don't see any evidence of any sort of repair though. Perhaps when I disassemble it I'll gain some further info. I think it just represents some stock that was shaved or chipped off, though I really don't know.
I really appreciate the positive comments. I thought it was a nice looking example myself and think I made a good deal with this one.
04-15-2013, 12:53
be warned, Trapdoors multiply, I bought one, then another a month later.........
Mark Daiute
04-15-2013, 05:33
If you disassembel the rifle don't take out the trigger guard. You are almost 100% assured to take wood out with it. Ask me how I know.....
Oops, I went back and looked at the photo... Looks like someone already took it out! I rest my case. ;^)
Nice rifle. I wish it was mine.
04-15-2013, 06:31
If you disassembel the rifle don't take out the trigger guard. You are almost 100% assured to take wood out with it. Ask me how I know.....
Oops, I went back and looked at the photo... Looks like someone already took it out! I rest my case. ;^)
Nice rifle. I wish it was mine.
Thanks for the explanation and the warning. I don't tend to monkey with any more disassembly than I have to with firearms. I suppose I will correct those bands though. LOL
BTW, I paid $800 for the rifle and sling. From what I can tell from pictures on Al Frasca's sight and GB, I think I did okay.
Mark Daiute
04-15-2013, 07:59
Last I knew, original slings were going for a buck-thirty. Good for you.
John Sukey
04-15-2013, 11:30
Prices sure have changed. I bought my fiorst trapdoor for $45. Of course that was over 50 years ago;)
04-15-2013, 11:44
According to the inflation calculator, $45 in 1963 equals $350 today. I think we now add on to that the increased collectibility of firearms like these, along with the laws of supply and demand and voila . . . I want to cry every time I see a chopped up Krag but when they were cheap, who would have thought twice?
What surprises me more is how some other firearms prices have skyrocketed recently. At this same gun show Chinese SKSs were going for $400, something I paid $125 for not that long ago. I've read online that some are paying $500 for them and happy to find them at that price.
I bought my first one almost 60 years ago for $15 and my first '61 for $20. But then I was a caddy in the summers for .35 an hour. Prices now are larger, but the bruise in the wallet is still about the same.
Dick Hosmer
04-15-2013, 01:46
Don't remember what I paid for my first, a cut-off mess of parts, when I was in high school, but I paid $75 for my second, a nice, all correct 1873 rifle, 12313, still in the collection.
04-21-2013, 06:02
I took her out for a trial run at the range today and am very happy with her as a shooter too. I stacked two 100 yard targets on top of each other, as I've seen recommended for the battle sight, and I was just to the right of center in a nice little group with the first three shots. This was with Remington 405gr FMJ.
I'm not reloading yet but did order some of the Ultramax Cowboy loads. Any thoughts in general about how the POI will change with the Cowboy loads? I guess I'll see when it comes but was just wondering if stacking targets will be necessary or if it will be closer to battle sight aim at 100 yards.
04-26-2013, 09:17
I don't know specifically about the Ultramax Cowboy loads but I shoot light handloads (23 gr. Alliant 2400) with a 405 gr hollow base lead bullet and these hit 10" high at 50 yards with the battle sight. Haven't shot much at 100yds but from what I remember these light loads still hit very high. I guess you will find out soon enough.
Mark Daiute
04-27-2013, 11:22
I'm using 22.5 grains of 4759 under the Lee hollow based bullet and they are right on with the 1873 sight in my cadet as well as the Buffington in my 1884 and very accurate.
04-27-2013, 05:19
Appreciate the comments and hope to eventually reload for the caliber.
I received the ammo from SGAmmo and apparently I ordered Winchester Cowboy Action LFN 405gr loads, not the Ultramax. They list the muzzle velocity @ 1150 fps. I'll take a trip to the range when I get a day off and see how it shoots.
05-16-2013, 05:57
Finally got a chance to try out these Win Cowboy loads today. They're hitting ~ 5" high at 100 yards, compared to 15" high for the Rem 405gr FMG loads. I was almost 5" to the right today so will have to take a look at that sight to see how to adjust windage. I wasn't that far off center with the Rem loads, so I'm wondering if I have a screw loose. OK, I deserved that!
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