View Full Version : Valuation of faux Krag carbine requested
Back here after a of my older pawn-shopping buddies died and left my name as someone to help with disposal. We've yarded out a few Krags and the first to get value for is a faux carbine, possibly a Bannerman. To be fair to his wife, what price should we set for this one? Lousy pics, but the conditions weren't much better. Bore is a little dark but VG otherwise. Thanks for your help, and I hope to post a few more as we find them.
And yes, I am ordering a copy of Brophy :icon_salut:
Dick Hosmer
04-15-2013, 12:42
I'd say around $350 (not an offer to buy) or so. She could probably get somewhat more if it were parted out. Cannot tell if that is a carbine stock or not - but it could be - is band held by a pin or a spring? If spring, that could be $200 right there - handguard looks real, there's another $125 easy if it is. Barrel and receiver won't bring much, but bolts and small bits will (ultimately) sell.
I second Dick's estimate. Assuming the stock is a cut-down and the sight (as it appears) is a rifle sight, there is about $350 worth of parts there. I'm of the opinion that most cut-down Krags are worth the sum of their parts, with the odd exception because of history or uniqueness.
Thanks, gents. We will proceed accordingly!
04-15-2013, 04:22
Upon enlargement, I see the band retaining pin, so it's a cutdown rifle stock.
04-16-2013, 05:09
Just a note, this model handguard is valuable, up to $150 at times. Concerning the Bannerman carbines this certainly is not one of them. However, I think a real Bannerman is a hard item to find and probably worth in excess of $750+ . Just my opinion.
04-16-2013, 07:12
If you can get the lady $350 for that "carbine" you're doing pretty well. It's a good hunting rifle for the area where you live, Cascades and Coast Range, and more than likely was originally purchased for that use. I bet there is someone in the Portland-Vancouver area who would love to take it hunting. Good of you to have a care and a thought for the widow. Good luck.
I would think that 350 might be a little steep in that condition. I paid 350 for what was advertised as an "NRA" carbine, bore in excellent condition, all carbine parts except sights, and very good workmanship, just a well done cut down rifle with a carbine stock. It shoots very well.
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