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View Full Version : Ivory Front Sight

04-19-2013, 09:15

04-20-2013, 05:52
Found this in a box of parts at a gun show years ago

The Wolf
04-20-2013, 11:30
Nice piece! I've got a sporterized 1903 with one on it... seems to have been a common aftermarket upgrade in the past... helps pick up the front sight visibility-wise. I've also got a gold-beaded one.

Best Regards from Virginia,


04-21-2013, 05:23
I think that maybe your sight might have a bronze tip. I've seen those. The ivory peice in the drawing appears to me to be just a small dot like peice at the end. Look again.

The Wolf
04-21-2013, 09:01
You are correct, Fred.... bronze-tipped it is! Only a pimp would think of having a gold-tipped front sight (no offense to any past or present pimps out there).

Best Regards from Virginia,


04-22-2013, 12:16
Ya know, thinking about how gold never tarnishes, I'll bet that it'd be an interesting metal to have a front sight bead made from! Wow, I wonder how much such a sight would cost? It'd just be a tiny bit. Couldn't weigh much. Ooops, there must be a bit of a Pimp in me to even think that! LOL. "Pimp Daddy Fritz" OMG! :eek: Just thinking about how a gold bead would never get dull with a patina. Along with Ivory, it might be sort of practicle in a way.

The Wolf
04-23-2013, 12:24
You're right... there may be some practical application for it... maybe not a solid gold bead, but maybe gold paint? Just thinking out loud here....

Yep, the pimp is coming out in me as well!

Best Regards from Virginia,
