View Full Version : Unertl USMC Scope and Can
I was looking at the results of the April 2013 Rock Island Auction. Unertl USMC Scope SN 2515, Lot # 3645 just sold for $10,925. That is for just the scope and can, not with a rifle. How far out of bounds is that price?
Jon Field
04-24-2013, 06:22
More than double! Scopes have sold recently for $4250., to $5000. Last couple cans, I saw went from $200., to $400.! I lucked out on a scope with a sporterized Mauser for $1500 about a month ago. It was a lucky find though!
05-02-2013, 10:54
last real scope i saw...sold for 7500.00 via case.
The last scope & can I had went like this: 1992 or '93 -- Syracuse Gun Show -- I saw a guy showing it to another. I asked if it was for sale, answer was yes, $300.00. I bought it. Within 30 seconds, Peter Cardone came over and offered me $600.00 for it, which was a fair price in those days. I doubled my money in half a minute and never looked back.
Johnny in Texas
05-02-2013, 02:40
Houston gun show about '89 I bought a Unertl case from a guy for $30 he said it was a Map case. I sold it to Peter Cardone 15 minutes later for 400.00. A friend mine bought one 10 years ago at a San Antonio Gun Show from a Military surplus dealer for $5.00 that's 5 bucks. When he asked for the price the guy said 5 and my friend said ok thinking 500.00 Bucks then the seller handed it to him and said 5 bucks he got change from the 10 and we both just looked at each other and grinned and walked away in disbelief.
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