View Full Version : Enfield 577-450 Martini Henry Chamber Insert
Does anyone with machinist/lathe skills think it is possible to make a 577-450 Martini Henry chamber insert or sleeve allowing 45-70 cartridge to be fired in the Martini Henry? From what I've read, the 45-70 case is 2.105" and that the Martini Henry case is 2.32".
Currently I have a stainless steel chamber insert that allows a 45 LC to be fired in the Martini Henry. It looks like a Martini round with the center machined to allow for a 45 LC.
After it is fired, the entire unit is ejected and the 45 LC case poked out of the insert w/ a dowel and a fresh round inserted.
Paul K
04-27-2013, 08:45
The problem seems likely to be that the .45-70 case would have to extend into a very thin (or absent) section of the insert in the area ahead of the .577-.450 shoulder. Expansion on firing could lock the .45-70 case in place, making extraction from the insert difficult.
John Sukey
04-27-2013, 11:29
Not to mention the 45-70 bullet is .458 while the .577-450 bullet is roughly .462 and a .45LC bullet would be like a pea in a garbage can. Now the hollow based webley bullet just might expand enough to grip the rifling
The funny bit is I have an adapter that will shoot .22's and another one that will shoot pellets using shotgun primers.
The person who sent them to me years ago did not leave a return address on the instruction sheet. (The brass cases have a short rifled section)
JB White
04-30-2013, 05:31
I've found that bullets in the .468 range work better if not paper patched. A full .010 above and beyond a 45-70.
Adapters are always being sold to those looking for a shortcut. 99% of those who use them discover they aren't satisfactory nor practical. Some accept the shortcomings so long as they can make their Martini shoot instead of living in a safe all the time. Every few years as new shooters discover the Martini, adapters sell again only to be set aside ntil the next surge in demand.
In the end there are only two ways to feed a Martini Henry. One is buying pricey ammo. The other is buying pricey reloading dies. Depends how often you plan to use it and for what purpose.
Scott from Indiana
05-01-2013, 08:45
What about the Martini's that shoot .303? I have always fancied one of those, even after building a "SMartini" based on a rifle that John Sukey talked to me about years ago. Martini action and SMLE barrel assembly. I have longingly looked at the 577-450 without a clue as to what I would use it for or feed it with...
I have a chamber insert for the 303 British chamber that will use either 32 ACP or 32 S&W.
I tried a few rifles at about 30 feet to see what of of targets could be shoot with this insert. The 32 ACP will group and I have thought about re-chambering the insert for 32 S&W Long as the range could be extended.
05-05-2013, 06:48
If you find someone who will re-chamber the insert to 32 S&W Long PLEASE PLEASE let me know who they are. I have a nice Martini and multiple Enfields. With the powder shortage getting tired of dumping 10grs Unique into the longer case and shooting 100gr bullets downrange. Even nicer would be 32 H&R Magnum. That way you could shoot all of them in it.
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