View Full Version : Re-oiling stock? 03a3
05-20-2013, 05:50
I want to re-oil the stock on my 03a3. I am not touching it with sandpaper but I do want a more uniform finish on it. What should I use and what is the best way to apply the finish. It has some very nice cartouche and I do not want to destroy or damage the stock.
Thanks, Malcolm
Rick the Librarian
05-20-2013, 06:08
Is your stock currently dry, rough, or both? If rough, I've had good results with VERY fine steel wool and boiled (or raw) linseed oil. DON'T go near the inspection stamps.
If dry, I hand rub boiled or raw linseed oil (some people "cut" it with mineral spirits), or tung oil. The idea is to put on several thin coats. When you've hand-rubbed it into the entire stock, let it sit for maybe a half hour, or so. Then, take a soft rag and wipe off the excess oil. Apply again. Do this several times, but the idea is to stop before you get a "shiny" finish - a "satin" finish is about right.
You'll probably get several suggestions, but this is what I use.
05-20-2013, 07:49
My stock is just a little dry but fairly smooth. I will just oil it a couple of times. Thank you, Malcolm
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