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The gentleman I bought the 1884 from had a 1878 he wanted 650.00 for so I looked at it. I passed but Since l know just enough to be dangerous wanted to confirm thoughts
Had good bore. Bluing 30%ish and had surface rust at one time. No stock cartouches but if it was sanded it was a long time ago and lighly done. Buffington sight no cleaning rod grove trigger. I thought serial number was in 300,000 range.
So Buffington sight means barrel off later gun correct?
Grove trigger could be correct if it was built in 1883 or after?
I'm thinging serial number was actually 200,000 range as300,000 would be 1885 so 1878 receiver stamp would not fit
Did armory rebuilt trapdoors get any special stamps like 1903,s. If it was an armory rebuild how does one tell
Dick Hosmer
05-23-2013, 01:48
Well - not exactly.
For $650, I'd want a cartouche and a cleaning rod ($100 problem).
Buffington sights, not barrels, were routinely replaced/upgraded onto earlier rifles. Not to say that barrels were not replaced - but when they were, the receiver was replaced at the same time. SA did not ship loose barrels (with or without sights) to the field.
The grooved trigger was adopted in January 1883 for new production, but they were likely never fitted as a upgrade, unless original was actually broken.
There is NO "1878" stamp - that is simply a heavy-struck "1873". THE most common TD myth.
The Buffington sight was adopted before the change in markings, basically during 1885. When they decided to change the model date, there were THOUSANDS of perfectly good "1873" blocks in inventory. The ONLY difference was the stamping, so, they were used to exhaustion, and appear on arms as late as 1887.
SOME TDs received a second cartouche and second (P) when reworked, but most did not. A GREAT many TDs were cleaned and refurbed at Rock Island for the SAW of 1898. They almost always lack cartouches.
Hope that helps.
I've just about quit looking at rifles missing ramrods unless priced accordingly or are in a very high state of finish and bore.Expensive piece to acquire if you can find one.Too many trapdoors out there for sale to pay $650 for that one.
Thanks gents, I passed on condition an no cleaning rod. Dick I had read the 1878 thing before and forgot thanks for the reminder. As far as armory refurbds it appears unless you see the second cartouche one has no way of knowing if a legit military rebuild, Bubba, or a post release local gunsmith rebuild. Got it. I thought about offering 500.00 because bore and general mechanical condition was good. But he had an "EXPERT"appraise it at $950.00 so he felt he had already come down enough. He needs to sell it to the expert.
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