View Full Version : Norwegian "Lion" receiver stamp?
Rick the Librarian
05-27-2013, 08:06
I moderate a forum on U.S. military rifles on SurplusRifle and a gentleman from Norway posted concerning his M1903. The M1903 appears to be a Sedgely, with a few M1917 parts and a "stepped" barrel, which I believe has been identified as a machine gun barrel used on some Sedgely 1903s.
What is interesting to me is the "Lion" stamp on the receiver. It is pictured below. Anyone ever heard of or seen this before?
Here's a link to the discussion:
05-27-2013, 08:17
shhhhh, the CMP says that Norway doesnt have any 1903,s lol, thats what i was told, when i called to tell them about a group of trailers on a Co military base with boxes of 1903, M1 Garand, Carbine, and other lend lease weapons and parts..
some of the rifles i saw had the same markings on the receivers and stocks....but they dont really, right?
kinda like the 12 1903A4s at the same base...they arent there as well.. lol. shhhh...its a secret
Rick the Librarian
05-27-2013, 08:43
Interesting that this is a Sedgely-type rifle - like to know the story behind THAT!
05-27-2013, 09:03
in said trailers, there are boxes and boxes of new unisued stocks and handguards not US made i assume, all the ones i could look at had that type of stamp, as well as some letters and numbers,
some of the barrels that i saw, had the exact same marking...
i was told by a nameless friend, who was the weapons officer of that area, that they came back from Norway, but were originally lend leased to Bavaria, then were transfered to NZ, then ended up in Norway, were they sat in storage unused for years, then they ended up back.
some of the 1903s ended up getting torch cut, i have a small handfull of them, and have shared pics of them in the past
i also know from another close friend that used to be a head LE from a Mexico township , that Mexico has thousands of Carbines, Garands, 1903s BARs, tanks, jeeps, you name it w gave it, all sit in storage, and are in very good shape.
i heard that from other sorces as well. i think we would be supprised as to how many of our beloved WW2 collectables are sitting in storage in some dry place, givin away by our political leaders.
John Beard
05-27-2013, 08:14
Sedgley rifles were assembled from low number receivers. In order for the receiver to accept the Norwegian property stamp, the receiver ring had to be annealed (softened). Casehardened low number receivers are extremely hard and don't normally accept later supplementary stampings.
Hope this helps.
Rick the Librarian
05-27-2013, 09:42
This is an "exception to the rule" ... a 908,000 M1903. Read the link to the thread on SR.
05-28-2013, 06:04
heres my take on said rifle.
somehow Sedgley got some of the rifles that were lend leased to Norway. they refurbed and resold them for a profit.
may have been just a small lot of rifles.
the lot of stuff i know of {if still around} is some 5 or more tractor trailers full, maybe more, thats all i could see at the time..about 10 years ago.
05-28-2013, 06:08
i take that back...after reading the post...stamp was more then likely done well after Sedgly had the rifle..rifle was reblued as well, after the stamp.
i would check this rifle for a drilled chamber, many of these rifles had a pin drivin through the chamber so a live round couldnt be chambered,
some have had the pin removed, and the hole still in place. might contact the owner and have him check
Rick the Librarian
05-28-2013, 06:21
i take that back...after reading the post...stamp was more then likely done well after Sedgly had the rifle..rifle was reblued as well, after the stamp.
i would check this rifle for a drilled chamber, many of these rifles had a pin drivin through the chamber so a live round couldnt be chambered,
some have had the pin removed, and the hole still in place. might contact the owner and have him check
I'll do that, Chuck.
05-28-2013, 07:55
ask me how i know lol
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