View Full Version : Gibbs 1903A4 repro: Hi-Lux repro scope problem/question.
The Shadow
05-30-2013, 03:40
Went to the range the other day to zero the Hi-Lux 73B1 tepro scope at 100 yards. I used Federal 150gr SP. Windage was fine. With the down elevation adjusted to it's 32 click limit the closest I could get is 5 inches high. This is unacceptable. Has anyone else had this problem with theirs? If so, did you contact Gibbs or Hi-lux and what did they say?
The paper that came with the scope said it was set to optical center at the factory. This was not true of mine. I checked it my collimator before the range trip and the reticle was at it's right/down outer limits. I set it to optical center myself. Then I adjusted the rear mount to center the windage line with the bore. I know this scope has it's limits but if it can't get any closer than this at 100 yards then it's useless.
Dave in NGA
05-30-2013, 03:57
Many of the original A4 scope mounts came with a shim between the mount base and the receiver. You might consider adding a shim or two to give you the added vertical adjustment on your scope.
Couple of years ago a fellow shooter had one of those and first shot the optics fell out of the scope. I saw that and knew I didn't need one.
The Shadow
05-31-2013, 06:48
I have no complaints with the rifle itself. It's very well made and shoots nice tight groups. The scope or quite possibly the mount installation is the problem. As Dave said, the originals were shimmed to give more elevation range. I don't know if Gibbs does that and mine just got missed. Since both rifle and scope are still under warranty I'll let them do the necessary work. Will update when I find out.
The Shadow
05-31-2013, 01:36
Well, don't bother calling the phone number on the Gibbs website. After talking to 3 different ladies I was finally told that number is just the advertising department. She gave me a number for the factory, a totally different area code, but the factory is closed on fridays. Screw it. There is no doubt the problem is lack of the proper shim at the front. I just ordered the proper shims from Numrich for 6 bucks and will install it myself. That way I'll know it's done right. Cheaper and faster than dealing with Gibbs. I'll update after and let you know how it turns out at the range.
You can go to a local hardware store and buy brass shims for it you didn't have to go through all that trouble.
The Shadow
06-01-2013, 05:33
Since the rifle is still under warranty I wanted to talk to Gibbs first and see what they would have to say. Since the only telephone number listed on their site goes to their advertising department instead of customer service I figure I found out all I need to know. The shims from Numrich are the proper size, shape, thickness and material and the price reasonable. That will save me a lot of time in the long run. I still have many more gunsmithing projects waiting in the wings.
Mike Hull
06-03-2013, 01:19
Went to the range the other day to zero the Hi-Lux 73B1 tepro scope at 100 yards. I used Federal 150gr SP. Windage was fine. With the down elevation adjusted to it's 32 click limit the closest I could get is 5 inches high. This is unacceptable. Has anyone else had this problem with theirs? If so, did you contact Gibbs or Hi-lux and what did they say?
The paper that came with the scope said it was set to optical center at the factory. This was not true of mine. I checked it my collimator before the range trip and the reticle was at it's right/down outer limits. I set it to optical center myself. Then I adjusted the rear mount to center the windage line with the bore. I know this scope has it's limits but if it can't get any closer than this at 100 yards then it's useless.
That scope(M73B1) was so bad that Gibbs, when they were still in business, offered a credit of $150.00 towards the updated model M73B2, or M73G2, whichever it is to just replace it all together.
Shame that scope was ever even placed on a rifle to begin with. It has caused a lot of problems, and IMO slowed the acceptance of the 1903A4 rifles in general. Gibbs has gone the way of the Dodo, and is not doing any business, to my knowledge.
I have had nothing but problems with mine starting with an extractor collar that was so deformed the bolt would not retract enough to eject a case. However, having worked through some other issues, The rifle now performs fine and I delight in shooting it.
The Shadow
06-09-2013, 12:44
Well, I removed the mount today and just as expected there was no shim at the front. Ten minutes work and it now has a .015 shim at the front and is bore sighted and ready for a trip to the range. I'll let you know how that turns out.
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