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View Full Version : .22 Springfield stock value?

06-08-2013, 02:28
I ran across a stock for one of the .22 Springfield rifles today. It was being sold as a NRA Sporter stock until I pointed out the lack of stock bolts.

Anyway, it has been cut for a Lyman/Redfield type sight, has a milled checkered buttplate with a trapdoor(no trap in the stock) and it also includes with the front barrel band and swivel.

It has two proof "P" marks and is quite nice looking. It was not priced. Not that I need it but what would a fair price be?


06-09-2013, 06:58
the corse milled buttplate with trap door is worth as much as the stock..

06-09-2013, 11:16
Buttplate alone $150-$200. Stock with barrel band $300.00 assuming no cracks, not refinished, etc. That is assuming it is an M2 Rifle stock. If it is a 1922M1 Issue Type, maybe a little less. The 1922M1 issue type has a lot of drop, flat sides on the pistol grip and pistol grip bottom more elongated. M2 stock may have M2 stamped in the bottom of the pistol grip, but not all do.

06-09-2013, 11:25
Thanks for the info guys. Another question, are all the .22 Springfield stocks cut for a receiever sight?



06-09-2013, 12:40
Yes. The Model of 1922, Model of 1922M1 and M2 Rifle stocks are all cut for the Lyman 48 receiver sight.

06-09-2013, 01:45
Thanks all.

I'll give the seller a call tomorrow and see where things go.

06-11-2013, 02:59
Going out on a limb here... Is it the one in Waukegan?

06-11-2013, 05:50
Yep we both saw the same stock.
I had seen it so recently and it was just like the one you described. I figured we had to be looking at the same one. How many others floating around W/out rifles w band and but plate could there be right now. I saw it a few weeks ago. I thought it was an NRA sporter too. I did not notice the missing pins. They are asking 350 for it I think. It came in with an estate and they were waiting for the rifle to show up in the next load but it never did. It looked pretty original to me.

I think 350 is OK if you are guy with an M22 and no stock or a guy who has all the parts to build one. It was nice to see it but I was not going to try and do anything with it. They do have a complete M22 with a butchered stock there right now.

Were you going to try to build one up or just snag it to add to the pile?


06-15-2013, 02:09
UPDATE: The stock came home with me today for a price I could live with.

It is a nice looking piece of wood. Anyone willing to post a couple of pictures for me?

Mike D
06-15-2013, 02:23
It is a nice looking piece of wood. Anyone willing to post a couple of pictures for me?

If you can email them, I can post. mikedubois1@gmail.com

Haven't you posted photos before, though?


06-15-2013, 02:26
Mike, I have never posted photos myself but several people have posted one here and there on my behalf.

I'll take a few pictures tonight/tomorrow and send them to you.


06-15-2013, 08:56
I am also looking for one of these stocks to refit to a M1922 M2 from 1942 vintage. I bought a beauty that had been sporterized. I'd like to get it back to a military original stock...


06-16-2013, 08:46
Mike D, you have email.

mrerick, you have a PM.

Mike D
06-16-2013, 09:49
OK, here they are -


06-17-2013, 05:49
Thanks Mike!

Sorry for the poor quality pictures all. That was the best my camera could do.

Rick the Librarian
06-17-2013, 07:31
Nothing to apologize for - very good pictures.

06-17-2013, 10:35
Thanks Rick. BTW, did you get the PM I sent you last week?

Now that my pics are posted (thanks again Mike), is this a M1922, M1922 M1 or M1922 M2 stock? I looked it over well and the markings in the pictures were all I could find. There was nothing stamped on the flat of the grip area.

Rick the Librarian
06-17-2013, 06:12
Just remembered it and replied. Sorry for the delay.


06-20-2013, 08:11
Does anyone know which variation of stock this is?


06-20-2013, 09:24
M1Garandy, It is the M2 Rifle stock.

06-20-2013, 10:24
Thanks Herschel!