View Full Version : M1A1 STOCK OPINIONS this was on Auction arms
Johnny in Texas
06-09-2013, 06:54
What do you guys think of the stock and parts with this carbine?
Well, it looks to me like an original NPM barrelled receiver assembled with a bunch of GI parts of various manufacturers and periods of use, all freshly refinished and mounted in brand new walnut reproduction stock wood with mostly original stock metal, also freshley refinished. I'm not sure about the web gear but I think it all looks very, very nice and worth about half of the winning bid, to a knowledgable buyer. I wonder why they didn't re-blue the bolt. But what do I know?
I think it's a pretty good fake stock.
The metal and the grip are USGI but the stock itself I really question even with the IO stamped inside. The whole thing has been rebuilt but there are no rebuild stamps on it and no proof P on it. The stock does not appear to have been sanded so I would say this one is Buyer Beware.
I also noticed that there wasn't any Ord. stamp visible anywhere. The stock rivets have been replaced. You can see the outline of the original rivets around the bottoms of the replacements. I wouldn't give that much for it.
06-10-2013, 07:34
It seems to be fake however the RI/3 mark is a real rebuild grip and the IO in the stock is correct for a 4th gen M1a1. NOT WWII issue. Condition wise it has been cleaned sanded and oiled and all or most of the metal seems to have been bead-blasted and reparked. 1500 at most.
06-10-2013, 07:38
as regards the IO marked stock. If you look the rebuild (Fake) stocks dont have the wood bridge just ahead of the slide cut. Also if you check you will find that a stock from post WWII would not be marked in the classic way. The RI3 mark is a rebuild mark that the US Military bought. These were assembled to stock and then mothballed or sent over seas. However they were not proofed. Kinda curious.
Your right about the bridge but only if the stock is not cut for the M2 conversion that many of the repo stocks are. Now how ever the early repo stocks were not cut for the M2 and have the bridge. They do surface from time to time. I really don't think one can say there is a 4th generation of M1A1's. Just the two original runs of them and then those that were rebuilt post WW2 which can have just about any make of carbine in them.
The RI/3 is NOT a post war rebuild mark. It was made during WWII by J.S. Richardson Inc.
Johnny in Texas
06-23-2013, 06:55
I wonder how many replacement M1A1 stocks were made with highwood?
Quite a lot of replacement wood stocks were made for repairs even during normal production of the M1A1.
07-04-2013, 06:04
Springfield Armory (the real one) made replacement M1A1 stocks.
They were used post WWII. They do not have any IO in wood
channel of course. Just know these surface from time to time and
are not fake repro stocks.
Back in the 80s a gunshow seller that I knew had two of those NOS M1A1 replacement stocks. I don't remember, if I ever knew where he got them. But I think he told they came packed two in a bag. Another carbine collector bought one and keep it in his collection for years. If you ever went to the old Bagnell Dam Show you would have saw it. They didn't work real well. They were highwood with the late RI pistol grip. If I remember correctly the Carbine Club thought the only place they would be correct was early in the second run of M1A1s. That was years ago they may have found they weren't then either.
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