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View Full Version : Question about 03 barrel replacement

06-13-2013, 06:27
I am now in the process of planning & "gathering" for assembly of my 1903 SA
MkI shooter. I am considering a new Criterion barrel. I have no idea how rear sight base is to be properly fastened to barrel. Even Dean's Gun Restoration's web sight says they lack the proper tooling to install the sight base. Is this installation something that cannot be done properly by hobbyists? Does anyone know of someone to do this for a "reasonable" fee? Should I consider another plan? Criterion barrels seem to be reasonably priced for a new barrel any comments on their quality? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you Lenny

06-13-2013, 07:20
Why don't you contact chuckindenver via PM and ask away.


06-13-2013, 09:41
exellent quality, iv installed more then a few..and yes, i have the right tools to install the rear sight base.

06-13-2013, 09:45
If you want a balls on accurate 03 shooter, PM chuckindenver.

If you let him work his magic, he can build military clone rifle to group sub-MOA with factory ammo