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View Full Version : Model 1901 .38 colt army rev.

06-22-2013, 06:19
I aquired a revolver several years ago that was listed as a model 1896 army. I found a copy of a Department of Ordnance book that says it should be a model 1901. This book stated the bullet diameter should be .377 and 158 gr RNL. As of now I shoot 170 gr .361 diameter bullets. This is the first I've seen that diameter specified. I thought it was supposed to be .362. Has anyone more knowledge on this subject?

06-22-2013, 06:35
Why not slug it?

06-22-2013, 07:51
I guess I could slug it. I took a .357 diameter and drove it through the bore. It was not loose but it went through pretty easy. With the .361 bullets accuracy is much better but I didn't try to drive one down the bore. Again my question was more about the .377 diameter bullets. That book was published in 1905.

06-22-2013, 08:21
I've misread the old print of this cartridge. The .3775 is the dims over the OD of the case. Sorry.

Irish Rob
06-26-2013, 09:19
Those 38 long colts were also heel based bullets, not at all like current 357/358.

06-27-2013, 04:49
Those 38 long colts were also heel based bullets, not at all like current 357/358.

I know it. I did buy some .361 cast 170 gr but they are not made anymore. I've ordered some S&W .38 bullets so I'll see how they shoot. My supplier says 5 to 6 weeks for delivery.