View Full Version : Stock Marks
06-22-2013, 08:40
I am aware of the various forend stamps for M1917, R, W, E, etc. However, have any of you
run into an eagle stamp only? No letter, only the WWI eagle. Stock is on a very early Remington (1917). :icon_scratch:
06-25-2013, 09:32
Not that, but the stock mark on my rifle is a superimposed LT. It has eagle stamps all over it, so the stock dates to WW1. I've posted that little bit of info on various forums and the only answer that seems to make sense is that the stock on my rifle was made by a subcontractor. Since it has the eagle stamps, I doubt its a replacement as the eagles were only applied during WW1 period inspections. Who knows?
06-26-2013, 03:59
Ferris book does mention N (New England Westinghouse (also busy building tsarist mosin-nagants)), B (Remington Arms U.M.C. Bridgeport), V (Victor Talking Machine Co.), and A (Wood-Art Machine Co.). Ferris says these were made after the Nov., 1918, armistice
so may not have been actually used. Still, I could not find mention of LT or an Eagle head only. I agree with "Kragluver" that the Eagle
heads were only applied for WWI usage. These stamps are also found on bayonets (M1917 and M1905) and SA or RIA rifles (parts, and
SA stocks). Any other input is helpful!
06-26-2013, 07:44
eagles head stamp was a common mark used on many small arms 1917 to 1919
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