View Full Version : Squad Cleaning Kit info needed
I am looking for a good source of info on the M1912 squad cleaning kits including details on all components. I have quite an assortment of rods brushes etc. in the few kits I have and would like to determine what is correct.
I would need to see pics. WW1 rods were brass, WW2 parked, WW1 brushes were hog bristle, WW1 cans were brass with the wood insert in the can. WW2 cans were parked with no wood in can.
Charlie Flick
07-04-2013, 12:24
This image shows what the contents were for the WW2 version of the Kit.
Take a look at these threads on the US Militaria Forum where this subject has been explored at some length:
Johnny P
07-04-2013, 12:44
Meadow's "U.S. Military Automatic Pistols Volume II/1920-1945" describes the different cleaning kits.
WWI brass cleaning rods seem to be more common than the WWII phosphate rods, or at least it is harder to get a complete set from one manufacturer.
This is an odd one thought to have been issued in the late 1930's early 1940's. The rods are marked U.H.CO. and are bare steel. The box lid is marked with a drawing number and the bottom has a different drawing number. The wood insert is stamped with a drawing number, and each rod rack has it's own drawing number. The box is marked on the bottom CLIMAX.
Scott Gahimer
07-04-2013, 01:19
Here is a more common kit.
The box is blued steel. The (10) cleaning rods, oiler and grease pot are brass. Included are (10) bristle brushes and (10) fire blued L-shaped takedown tools manufactured by Colt. The wooden tray and rack is removable.
OK I will get some pictures posted this weekend, thanks for your reply
I would need to see pics. WW1 rods were brass, WW2 parked, WW1 brushes were hog bristle, WW1 cans were brass with the wood insert in the can. WW2 cans were parked with no wood in can.
Thanks for the links. I haven't had a chance to study all three but I going to get into it tonight.
This image shows what the contents were for the WW2 version of the Kit.
Take a look at these threads on the US Militaria Forum where this subject has been explored at some length:
Nice looking Johnny. Mine is all steel, not Climax and appears to be pieced together. I have a few numbered cleaning rods and the balance unmarked. Also the brushes look like they were bought yesterday. Pictures and more info to follow. Thanks for the reply and picture.
Meadow's "U.S. Military Automatic Pistols Volume II/1920-1945" describes the different cleaning kits.
WWI brass cleaning rods seem to be more common than the WWII phosphate rods, or at least it is harder to get a complete set from one manufacturer.
This is an odd one thought to have been issued in the late 1930's early 1940's. The rods are marked U.H.CO. and are bare steel. The box lid is marked with a drawing number and the bottom has a different drawing number. The wood insert is stamped with a drawing number, and each rod rack has it's own drawing number. The box is marked on the bottom CLIMAX.
Thanks Scott...I do have one like this but I bought it less the bore brushes which I ended up buying from a collector friend of mine. Nice looking kit.
Here is a more common kit.
The box is blued steel. The (10) cleaning rods, oiler and grease pot are brass. Included are (10) bristle brushes and (10) fire blued L-shaped takedown tools manufactured by Colt. The wooden tray and rack is removable.
Here are some pictures of one of my kits. I question the originality of the brushes and two of the three types of cleaning rods. The pictures should tell the rest of the story> I have not looked at the Meadows book yet because I wanted to get the pictures up first. As usual I will do some studying now that I have spent the money.
Continued on next post
More pictures
2 more
Johnny P
07-06-2013, 08:05
WWII era cleaning rods.
Left to right: U.H.CO., O'HARE MFG. CO. (large logo), and O'HARE MFG. CO. (small logo).
Top: USCB CO C64102-4 (marked on shank)
If anyone knows where I can get some WWI hog bristle brushes for my kit I sure would appreciate it.
Duane Hansen
07-07-2013, 03:05
If anyone knows where I can get some WWI hog bristle brushes for my kit I sure would appreciate it.
The Hog Bristle Brushes for the early Squad Cleaning Kits are very hard to find. Someone was making reproduction examples a while back and I've seen a few of them, but I don't know who made them or even where to get them. Bill Ricca has had some parts at different times in the past but don't know what he has now, if anything. is the site if I remember correctly.
Right now it looks like he is only offering the steel cans and the screwdrivers. Worth a look for other 1911 and 1911A1 parts too.
Thanks Johnny. Are those four rods the only correct WWII cleaning rods? Do you know what I have? I looked @ the Meadows book and he does mention there being some unmarked examples but he doesn't say what era or if they are reproductions.
WWII era cleaning rods.
Left to right: U.H.CO., O'HARE MFG. CO. (large logo), and O'HARE MFG. CO. (small logo).
Top: USCB CO C64102-4 (marked on shank)
Johnny P
07-10-2013, 05:59
There is a brief statement on the unmarked rods in Clawson's Collector's Guide. I tend to agree that the unmarked rods are probably reproductions as the manufacturer's markings appear to have been a requirement. There are some YHM marked rods that has the YHM ground or partially ground off, and re-stamped with D.A.D. It would appear the D.A.D. completed the rods, and so marked them.
Without some authentication on the unmarked rods, I would only accept the marked rods shown in my post as WWII.
Thanks again Johnny I agree they should be marked and are probably repros or at best much more recent versions.
03-11-2015, 06:50
Punting an old thread.
I am 3 Brass rods short (picture not updated) and 4 blued tools short in my WW1 squad kit.
2 Boar's hair brushes total but those are tough to find.
Any sellers out there of individual items listed above, I'm interested. :)
tanker trash
03-17-2015, 08:47
would anyone possibly have a sketch of the wooden insert? I would like to make one for my kit. thanks
Rick the Librarian
03-18-2015, 06:42
Beautiful examples, gentlemen - I'm green with envy!
03-18-2015, 06:47
Here is a pair that I have..
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