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View Full Version : Trigger polishing

07-10-2013, 05:19
One of the members asked me about how I polished the trigger on my 1911 so I thought I would post my response here to share the info and also for commentary on what is/isn't necessary or a good idea.

What I did was took a dremel with a buffing wheel and polishing compund (typical kit from walmart) and polished the outside of the metal band that forms the back of the trigger. I polished the sides where they rub the frame and the rear where it touches the mainspring. Polishing the top edges is a good idea too but there just isn't allot there to work with. My goal was to just smooth all the pieces that cause friction during trigger pull. It was not a miraculous improvement.....but it only took time and almost no money since I needed the polishing kit anyways. It did make a noticeable difference in the feel of the trigger. Having put 7rds through 1 small hole at 7yds I know one thing is sure and that is, that accuracy was not reduced.

07-11-2013, 11:00
I did pretty much the same thing plus I spent time polishing the machined ways for the trigger bow. Helped a bunch.

07-11-2013, 02:19
I did pretty much the same thing plus I spent time polishing the machined ways for the trigger bow. Helped a bunch.

I tried to polish the inside of the frame. Just couldn't really get into that area. I really like the feel if nothing else it was free.....well, freeish

07-11-2013, 03:00
I used a broken pc of a india stone, a beartex polishing pad and a hemistat (sp) to hold it.

Dave Waits
07-12-2013, 08:20
Here is what you use for the trigger-tracks in a 1911 Frame.


broom jockey
07-12-2013, 11:07
Thank you, Quamsst and a thank you from Major Tom