View Full Version : When were SNs stamped on Colt 1911A1s ... before or after finish?
07-11-2013, 06:46
I'm reading a section in Mr. Clawson's 3rd edition on original finish (p. 103). He states that in mid 1943 Ithaca and Remington-Rand switched to stamping the SN after Parkerizing.
He does not mention anything ref Colt or US&S on this topic.
Were all 1911A1 Colt SNs stamped after the finish was applied (whether early blued ones or parkerized ones)? Just trying to grow my knowledge.
Same question on SNs on US&S?
Thanks in advance, Keith.
Johnny P
07-11-2013, 08:20
Not to give you a short answer, but your best bet is to get a good lighted magnifying glass to take to gun shows rather than try to remember which came first.
This magnified shot of a Remington Rand shows that the UNITED STATES PROPERTY and NO. were stamped before the pistol was finished. The stamping is sandblasted over, and then finished in phosphate. The serial number was applied after the above described finishing process.
If you read the books the Remington Rand pistol shown should be finished in Du-Lite and have a Type II slide, but it is finished in phosphate and has a Type III slide and is absolutely original.
07-11-2013, 08:49
Thanks, Johnny. I remember your Remington from a prior post in which I thought folks were not picking up on just how special that pistol is. It's the earliest NO I've seen, the only Type III under 1M I've seen and the only parkerized under 1M I've seen.
The reason for my question was so that I'd have another piece of information to apply to help identify whether a pistol had been refinished. Were 1911A1 Colts SNs stamped before or after the finish was applied?
I'll pick up a lighted magnifying glass; great tip.
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