View Full Version : 16 Ga. shells
Are 16 ga. paper shotshells collectible and if so how much per shell. Some have patent marts on them. Thanks. Benny
Some are. Generally, the older the more value they'll have, condition is important, so is a an original box ect, ect. . For instance the 2 &9/16" length will generally be of more interest than the modern 2 &3/4". Then there's the even shorter European stuff & blackpowder too. There's SO much variation, it depends on what you have. There must be an online reference catalog. I generally don't collect old ammo, I shoot it up, however a few years ago I got a bushel basket of old ammo at an estate sale. There was a full box each of old rolled crimp Peters Hi brass BB shot and single 0 buckshot. Each had the sales receipt of $1.75 in them from a store that went out of business around the beginning of WWII. A friend of mine put them on his gun show table with a "guess" price of $50 ea. and sold them both in the 1st 15 minutes to the same guy. Go figure! That sale alone WAY more than cleared my cost for the bushel basket load! The 16 & 12 ga. "pumpkin ball" slugs brought $3.50 ea. On the other hand old "rolled crimp" ShurShot only got the occasional offer of 50cents or less a round, or so. For that money I reserved the rest for rabbit hunting. That old stuff tends to be a bit smoky, but it serves the purpose.
Thanks for the reply. I bought 89 of them at a yard sale. All are 2&9/16". Very good condition, but no boxes.
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