View Full Version : Yard sale find M-48 Yogo

07-31-2013, 03:36
I found a bargain last weekend. It is a M48 all milled Yugo mauser serial # 436109. The guy had bought it "several" years ago along with a sealed can of Yugo ammo. He says he never opened the can and never fired the rifle which appears to be unissued and still has much of the cosmoline on it. I felt sorry for the guy, he lost his job and was selling about everything. I gave him more for the package than he was asking and still got it CHEEP. He says he has a matching bayonet but can't remember where he put it. The way it worked out I figure I bought the ammo and he gave me the rifle!

SOP for me is I have to buy everything at full retail and sell at bargain basement prices. This time I got lucky and I plan on giving it to my son in KC.

07-31-2013, 06:12
Nice find, those are far and few indeed.

07-31-2013, 06:36
I have one of those rifles and like it very much. Very well put together and quite nicely finished, almost a commercial quality Mauser. I think you and your son will like the rifle's performance as well. The sights are calibrated for 196 gr. ball which of course is what you have ammo wise. I like the Yugo ball, it's accurate in my rifle but corrosive, just clean accordingly.

07-31-2013, 10:02
Good find Red, but there is a lot of that going on throughout the country now days. Contrary to what the liberal news media and Obumma is saying things are not getting any better. Pawn shops here a full of nice guns. If you got the money it's a buyers market.

08-01-2013, 06:34
Nice find, those are far and few indeed.

Not really, they were imported by the thousnds over the past 15 years and most were as new or hardly used. Mitchall's is still selling them, I think they have a deal where the rifles are still being made for them!

08-01-2013, 07:08
Not really, they were imported by the thousnds over the past 15 years and most were as new or hardly used. Mitchall's is still selling them, I think they have a deal where the rifles are still being made for them!

Sorry Dave I should have qualified my response. I meant where one gets it for the price of the ammo and the buyer feels like the gun was thrown in on the deal. That feeling or set of circumstances is far and few in between.

I've never owned one but have shot a friends. Very nice condition and very accurate. Red Jr will be happy.

08-01-2013, 10:53
Well I certainly agree with that!

08-07-2013, 09:07
About 10 years ago they were available with accessories in new condition for about $175 from importers.

10-26-2013, 08:34
About 10 years ago they were available with accessories in new condition for about $175 from importers.

Yes in the late 90's I bought a Yugo M48 in brand new condition, all matching, and absolutely packed with cosmo/grease. It took me at least three days to get it clean enough, and still it would sweat the cosmo when it got hot. But it is a rifle you cannot miss with. Very very very accurate shooter and I will never sell it. One of my sons will inherit it when I go.

10-27-2013, 09:31
I have one of those also. I prefer the K97 as it seems to have a better sight picture that the M48. The Yugo rear wood looks high to me and makes it a little difficult to see the front sight.

Devil Dog
10-30-2013, 06:27
As Art says above, 8 MM Yugo is corrosive