View Full Version : Questions on When SC Changed Upper Bands and Followers to Parkerizing

08-02-2013, 05:55
When did parked upper bands/bayonet bands (not certain on my terminology for this part) and followers begin to appear on Smith-Corona 03-A3's? By upper band I am talking about the band on which a bayonet can be mounted and not the one that supports the stacking swivel.

Mike D
08-02-2013, 05:24
As far as I know (could be wrong, of course!) SC always had parked upperband/bayo lugs.

As far as followers, towards the end of summer, 1943.


John Beard
08-02-2013, 08:14
When did parked upper bands/bayonet bands (not certain on my terminology for this part) and followers begin to appear on Smith-Corona 03-A3's? By upper band I am talking about the band on which a bayonet can be mounted and not the one that supports the stacking swivel.

All Smith-Corona bayonet bands were parkerized.

To my knowledge, all Smith-Corona magazine followers were blued.


John Beard
08-03-2013, 08:22
As far as I know (could be wrong, of course!) SC always had parked upperband/bayo lugs.

As far as followers, towards the end of summer, 1943.



Do you have data or information indicating that Smith-Corona switched from blue to parkerizing for their late magazine followers? Please advise.



Mike D
08-04-2013, 05:36

Do you have data or information indicating that Smith-Corona switched from blue to parkerizing for their late magazine followers? Please advise.



No, I don't. I was looking at my data base (not very large), but upon further review, the rifles I observed are marked as definite or possible rebuilds. My bad.

Maybe I have Rem in mind, also? Did they not start parking followers towards the end of production?


John Beard
08-04-2013, 10:04
No, I don't. I was looking at my data base (not very large), but upon further review, the rifles I observed are marked as definite or possible rebuilds. My bad.

Maybe I have Rem in mind, also? Did they not start parking followers towards the end of production?


I have no evidence that Remington or Smith-Corona switched to parkerizing their followers in late production and do not anticipate that they did. But, I have not been paying close attention either. I will check it out soon.

Thanks for your reply!


Marine 1058
08-07-2013, 07:42
Smith -Corona never parked thier followers (they stoped making parts in 1944) I have seen parked Remington replacement followers made in the 50s.