View Full Version : Camp Perry Pictures
08-02-2013, 06:52
Here's a few from the National Vintage Rifle Match at Camp Perry today! Enjoy :)
Here's Mark Daiute, Bob - Madsenshooter, Fred, and myself.
Me with my Brother-in-law Allen Jencks (he shot a Mosin Nagant).
My 1898 Rifle and my loads.
Madsenshooter firing in the "Rapid Fire" phase.
Madsenshooter firing in the "Offhand" phase.
Allen scoring for my relay.
Griff Murphey
08-02-2013, 07:13
Nice pix & congrats to all of you guys for honoring the Krag!
That looks like great fun, and congratulations to you all!
I WILL be there next year!
08-03-2013, 05:59
Great pics. Looks like you had a great time.
Great pics. I can hear the spiteful crack of those Krags and smell the burnt powder from here!
08-03-2013, 02:53
I waited to see you two (Fred and Mark) come back from pit detail but missed you both. Stood near the t-shirt issue tent hoping to get a glimpse of either of you but I missed the boat again. Any way maybe I'll have better luck next year. By then I'll have my d--n cataracts out and will be able to see again.
So until next year just remember" Underneath our starry flag we'll pacify them targets with a KRAG".
P.S. I really was happy to meet Fred and Mark and was dissapointed I didn't meet Bob and Paul.
08-03-2013, 03:31
Sorry I missed you too... We'll meet next year, soldierofhistory! We had a great time, and next year will be even better. Maybe we'll get a whole row of Krag shooters... wouldn't that be awesome!
Incidentally, it was great meeting Fred and Mark. I've been talking to Mark here on the forum for a long time now... so it's nice to finally put a name with a face!
08-03-2013, 09:30
It was fun, that's for sure. I did better than I did last year, but still fell 6 points short of a medal thanks to a couple 5s when I flinched in standing, and putting one shot in some other shooter's target during rapid fire. 96 slow fire prone, 75 rapid fire prone, 81 standing, total 252-1X. About middle of the pack again, and I know the rifle is better than that. My only miss was the crossfire. My one piece sling, actually the front part of a 1907 sling that's a little longer to fit a model 1917, is a bit short now that I have that leather jacket under my shooting coat. Camp Perry wasn't a good place to discover that. The modified Parashooter charger worked flawlessly, seriously I gotta get someone to make them out of plastic for me to sell. There was a left handed fellow from CA shooting an MAS 36 who said he'd much rather shoot his Krag. He liked the charger, probably would have given me $50 for it.
You know, some benevolent organization ought to provide a trophy for the high Krag shooter, one named after someone significant in the rifles manufacture or adoption, a Medal of Honor winner who used one, or a collector-type worthy of such a memorial. Sam Porter is out, they already have a Porter Trophy. Not a trophy to be brought home, something like the John C. Garand trophy, but just for Krag shooters. That's a hint to you KCA members. If you build it, folks will shoot for it!
Thanks for the pics Paul!
Griff Murphey
08-04-2013, 05:28
In Whelen's book MISTER RIFLEMAN there is a photo of a black sergeant who was a very high scoring shooter with the Krag, back in the pre-WWI era. Maybe the award could be named for that sergeant.
We've all shot the wrong target, and we've all pulled one in offhand! For me the Krag is a hard gun to shoot offhand and I'm not sure if it is dwell time in a longer barrel or flinch time in a short, fat, elderly man, so to me that 81 is not to be ashamed of. Don't feel bad. That 95 in prone slow is a fine score. You using a 1902 peep or the buckhorn?
08-04-2013, 06:37
I can't see anything through the peep Griff, couldn't see a whole lot with the original slot. So, it got enlarged to .062" wide and deepened just a bit with a rounded bottom. More like a U notch. At that width I can see a sliver of light on each side of the front sight stud as I draw the blade down. Before next year I'm going to experiment with leveling the rear sight on the stud while keeping the front post up where I can see it better. I also temporarily enlarged the blade to .080 by putting a few wraps of aluminum tape on it then painting over the tape. That's a good suggestion for the trophy's name Griff, if we can find more about him and someone to donate said trophy to the CMP. Any other ideas from the rest of you?
Best part of the whole event was at the John C. Garand award ceremony. I stayed, since I had been randomly drawn to have my Krag inspected I was in the drawing for a presentation grade Garand. Some kid won it and his ear to ear grin was the highlight of the event. He started to walk off with it, I'd have ran!
Great pics, Paul. Too bad I didn't see you guys, although I did walk out to the butts behind the fellow with the camo trousers and web gear in the afternoon. Saw him later with his Krag over his shoulder. Which means I probably saw the rest of you as well. Our bunch was on 17 and 18, relays 5-8. Rain. Stop. Rain. Stop. Just enough to get the old Krag good and wet. I did see a guy with a M91/30, no sling.
08-04-2013, 06:41
Sorry we missed too Phil! We did have a great time though... Bob and I were on 17 for Garand on Saturday morning! The fog was brutal, and we didn't get started until around 8:30 when it finally cleared!
08-04-2013, 06:52
It was fun, that's for sure. I did better than I did last year, but still fell 6 points short of a medal thanks to a couple 5s when I flinched in standing, and putting one shot in some other shooter's target during rapid fire.
We've all shot the wrong target, and we've all pulled one in offhand! For me the Krag is a hard gun to shoot offhand and I'm not sure if it is dwell time in a longer barrel or flinch time in a short, fat, elderly man, so to me that 81 is not to be ashamed of. Don't feel bad. That 95 in prone slow is a fine score. You using a 1902 peep or the buckhorn?
I put one in my neighbors target in the Rapid at Saturday's Garand Match!
Griff... holding that long barrel in the Off Hand is a pain for sure... but I started reversing my left hand which allowed me to bury my left elbow in my side... and that provided me some stability. My scores weren't as good as Bob's... but I did get an E for effort, LOL... and I won a T-shirt, so there's that!
Oh... and I'm using the 1902 sight. I normally use the peep... but this year, my close vision made it hard, so I went back to using the sight cup, and I found it much easier to get on target (at least for me).
Cross-fire? Check. Launching one into orbit (or somewhere) during offhand? Check. Didn't do either of them this year, however.
I use the '02 sight as well. Not the swing-up peep, though. The U works just great.
I usually put my left hand in a fist, right in front of the triggerguard, "flippin' the bird" style, without the middle finger up. I suppose the 30" tube serves that purpose.
Dick Hosmer
08-05-2013, 01:48
Speaking of jerking one in offhand (bear in mind this was .22 gallery with 3 over 2, center sighter) I hunched one something AWFUL one night on the #3 bull, and was REALLY afraid to look down range. But, oh joy, I had dropped PRECISELY the amount required to score an absolutely PERFECT pinwheel on the #5 bull. Don't remember my score for the position, but will never forget that jerk. Others such were not so pleasant, of course.
We used to practice with two people taking turns shooting at the same bull. With (on a GOOD night) a half-to-full second (24X scope) "inside the 9-ring" hold, and a light trigger, you would think it would be EASY, if going second, to beat your buddy's 8. NO, the bad shot acts just like a magnet, believe me!
Mark Daiute
08-06-2013, 05:55
My regret is not having time to spend with you guys. It was very nice simply having Bob walk out with us at the end of a very long day.
My prone shooting was poor. My prone rapid was horrendous. Time was not the issue. Once I realized I was shooting high I pulled them down into the black but at that point it was too late. Reloads were not a problem.
I figure that with an 1800 mile round trip and 40 rounds fired for each match it works out to 22.5 miles per shot fired. That's a lot of time money and gas expended for little shooting but it was worth it.
08-06-2013, 02:17
Wow Mark, that's quite a haul! I think I'm going to have to do more shooting closer to home! I have other projects to switch to at the moment though, it's near muzzleloader season and I have one I've not yet shot. A trim young buck with a monster rack stopped in the road the other day to beckon to me. I don't know what's in the water in that hollow, but there have been a lot of large antlered bucks taken out of there.
08-06-2013, 06:36
Glad I'm not driving that distance... The 200 miles I drove (round trip) each day was enough! I wish we had had more time to chat too Mark. Next year we'll do more!
03-18-2014, 07:14
It was fun, that's for sure. I did better than I did last year, but still fell 6 points short of a medal thanks to a couple 5s when I flinched in standing, and putting one shot in some other shooter's target during rapid fire. 96 slow fire prone, 75 rapid fire prone, 81 standing, total 252-1X. About middle of the pack again, and I know the rifle is better than that. My only miss was the crossfire. My one piece sling, actually the front part of a 1907 sling that's a little longer to fit a model 1917, is a bit short now that I have that leather jacket under my shooting coat. Camp Perry wasn't a good place to discover that. The modified Parashooter charger worked flawlessly, seriously I gotta get someone to make them out of plastic for me to sell. There was a left handed fellow from CA shooting an MAS 36 who said he'd much rather shoot his Krag. He liked the charger, probably would have given me $50 for it.
You know, some benevolent organization ought to provide a trophy for the high Krag shooter, one named after someone significant in the rifles manufacture or adoption, a Medal of Honor winner who used one, or a collector-type worthy of such a memorial. Sam Porter is out, they already have a Porter Trophy. Not a trophy to be brought home, something like the John C. Garand trophy, but just for Krag shooters. That's a hint to you KCA members. If you build it, folks will shoot for it!
Thanks for the pics Paul!
I was perusing thru some old threads looking for info on how to make chamber casts when I stumbled on Madsenshooters suggestion of a trophy the top Krag marksman. He thought it should be named for someone significant in Krag history. My suggestion would be Mr. Bill Mook who seems, by every ones remarks, to be the professor emeritus of Kragdom.
By the way what is a good material to make a chamber cast? As well as a good mold release material to use?
03-19-2014, 06:24
+1 on Bill Mook... and maybe Frank Mallory also!
Dick Hosmer
03-19-2014, 07:09
Either would be an excellent choice.
I'm thinking that Frank might have been more involved in actual shooting, in their younger days, than Bill - but that is only my impression from the things we spoke about, and I would quickly defer to anyone with more accurate info.
As an aside here, does anyone have picture(s) of either of them? I met Frank, twice - once at his home, and once at one of Graham Burnside's (there's a name for the old guys!) annual hog roasts, but never had the pleasure of meeting Bill face-to-face.
03-19-2014, 09:48
A member of the 1908 Palma team? Or maybe someone like the fellow in this KCA post: (Note: to see the pics you need to register and login)
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