View Full Version : Mauser rifle sculpture

08-05-2013, 09:05
This is in the Resistance Museum in Oslo. All welded togeather. Many 1930s dated rare rifles.

08-05-2013, 09:10
What a waste, altho I can understand their feellings!

da gimp
08-05-2013, 01:16
What a waste, altho I can understand their feellings!


Griff Murphey
08-05-2013, 04:11
Reminds me of my college art prof at Trinity University. He acquired a quantity of scrap turbine blades from a jet engine overhaul facility and made birds' wings with them winding up with a climbing squadron of birdies. Well then the U.S. Air Force came back to the overhaul facility and demanded those turbine blades. Quite a mess but eventually the USAF let him keep his sculptural masterpiece.

Art. Whatever! Still a waste of good 98ks. Now that they are worth $600 up I bet this masterpiece may not look like something that was worth doing...

John Sukey
08-12-2013, 07:46
Reminded me of a visit to a friend who was the curator of the one-time Presidio Army Museum. Government museums have first call on firearms confiscated by Customs. We went there and picked up five mint Swiss Artillery Lugers with grip safties. The guy at customs wanted to weld them up! When we said no, he pleaded "just let me weld them on one side! Again NO! When we got them back and checked the magazines, they were quite heavy. The person who brought them in had removed the springs and stuffed the mags with MORE small luger parts! The Presidio , being rather low on the totem poll. The Smithsonian pulled rank and got the guns, BUT they did NOT get the small parts;)

08-17-2013, 06:21
That is immediately inside the front door of the museum at Acres Hus. You walk past it to get into the museum. I was there in the mid 80s. Since there was no one around I left with a half dozen sight hoods and a couple of cleaning rods, figgured I could put them to better use then they were.
I examined that mess closely and I don't believe there was a single 98k that could be salvaged out of that mess without doing a bunch of grinding and reblueing.
Crying shame to collectors, But it was their country that was occupied so they have the right to do as they please with captured equipment. At least they did not melt them down!