View Full Version : Correct Remington 1903A3 Cartouches?

08-07-2013, 01:18
Ok, wanted to share another one with the group. This is a gorgeous straight stock on a Remington 1903-A3. The furniture is excellent condition and everything is all R marked. I've never seen these cartouches together before, however. Any thoughts on these will be appreciated.

Rick the Librarian
08-07-2013, 04:04
Something doesn't add up -- the markings on the left side of the stock, although correct for a late Remington M1903A3, look faked to me. The sub-inspection stamps in the 3rd picture did not appear on a late Remington M1903A3.

Mike D
08-07-2013, 04:13


08-07-2013, 04:30
And the square & P is from a rebuild facility which usually sands the stock , leaving little in the way of markings left ( look at the circled P ).

08-07-2013, 05:38
I wouldn't agree that arsenals usually sand the stock. I know that some did and some simply left it alone if it was not in bad shape. I'm looking for a little education on the cartouches, though, so what indicates that they are fake? Thanks, Chip

Rick the Librarian
08-07-2013, 06:02
1. The FJA is too tall and the letter fonts are incorrect

2. Ditto on the RA

3. The sub-inspection symbols were not used on late M1903A3 stocks - they were used on early Remington M1903s. M1903A3s used geometric symbols (squares, circles, etc.) with numbers inside.

I do not have a late Remington M1903A3 stock, but I'm sure someone else has pictures they can post. Once you see one, you'll be able to tell.

08-07-2013, 06:26
Thanks, Rick. They do seem tall. Another question, I've looked but I have not seen any FJA stamps with periods after the letters. Would that be correct for any FJA stamps or is that a dead giveaway. Also, of all the stamps, I was originally suspect of the Ordnance Escutcheon. It just seems too neat and detailed. What are your thoughts on it?

08-07-2013, 06:31
Here's what a 4.173M , 12/43 barrel dated 1903A3 looks like:

http://i788.photobucket.com/albums/yy162/ebeeby2010/WW2/O3A33_zpsbb6bad62.jpg (http://s788.photobucket.com/user/ebeeby2010/media/WW2/O3A33_zpsbb6bad62.jpg.html)
http://i788.photobucket.com/albums/yy162/ebeeby2010/WW2/O3A32_zps938738ac.jpg (http://s788.photobucket.com/user/ebeeby2010/media/WW2/O3A32_zps938738ac.jpg.html)
http://i788.photobucket.com/albums/yy162/ebeeby2010/WW2/O3A31_zps305b15e1.jpg (http://s788.photobucket.com/user/ebeeby2010/media/WW2/O3A31_zps305b15e1.jpg.html)

08-07-2013, 06:41
Good photos, thanks. The Ordnance Wheel on the one I posted doesn't look right either, does it?

08-08-2013, 07:26
late A3 markings..