View Full Version : Rock Island 1911 Standard GI (.38 Super)
Thinking about picking up one of these. Have always been fascinated by the .38 Super round yet, have never owned a pistol chambered in this caliber. Figured the RIA GI .38 Super would be a good model to start with. Priced at about $500.00 out the door. Only mods I anticipate making to it would be high visibility sights and perhaps a beavertail grip safety. .38 Super ammo is not always available (what is these days?) and a 9mm conversion seems to be popular. Comments please.
I've been shooting Super 38 since the 80's and it's a great cartridge. You can use cut down 5.56mm or .223 cartridge cases if brass is an issue. I bought over 1000 once fired cartridges online some time back and use that. It seems these days, reloading is more popular than ever. I've built up several Super 38 pistols using regular government model frames (all you need to change is the ejector if the frame was set up for .45 ACP) and get a Super 38 slide, barrel and recoil spring. Wolff has great springs, the factory calls for 14 lb springs for both 9mm and Super 38. I see slides for sale on the various auctions from time to time. However, your price for the complete pistol out the door seems reasonable enough. It shouldn't be a big deal to add a 9mm barrel to swap out barrels.
The Super 38 got kind a bad rap due to the case head spacing on the small rim of the cartridge. It made of erratic accuracy. Eventually, Colt got around to fixing that and having the cartridge head space on the case mouth like almost all other auto cartridges do. I think you'll find most aftermarket barrels also went that route too. Super 38 was and may still be the favorite of many IPSC competitors.
I own a Colt Gov't Model Super .38 circa 1968. It's my favorite center-fire pistol!! When Father passed last year I found a PERFECT set or checkered walnut 1911 grips in his parts box. Swapped out the plastic ones. Beautiful! Do it! ---Geoff
Major Tom
08-12-2013, 06:38
I have owned a Colt 38 super for 30+ years. It is very accurate and mine will function perfectly with any of my reloads or factory ammo. When I shake it, it rattles like a can of bolts; so you would assume accuracy would be bad. Not the case!
GET ONE!! GET IT NOW!!!........and let me know how you like it because I was thinking about getting one.
As to Rock Island 1911s, I can't say enough good things about mine.
Well folks, I got the RIA .38 Super about a month ago. First time out to the range had numerous feeding problems. Each of my 5 new MecGar magazines would yield 3-4 FTF problems. Couldn't even get through a 50 round box of Armscor 125g FMJ ammo before throwing in the towel and saying the hell with it. Frustrating.....never had a new pistol with this many problems. Contacted Armscor/RIA for warranty service and advised to send the pistol in for servicing. Pistol has been in Pahrump for a week now and I'm awaiting it's return. Hopefully they will get the bugs fixed. Suspect it is a feed ramp and barrel throat problem. I actually don't mind the stock, low-profile GI sights but, will need to have a beavertail grip safety installed to preclude hammer bite. In the meantime I have bought a RIA .45 Match 1911 FS to ease my frustration with the .38 super. I like what I see and have heard about Rock Island Armory and have faith that they will do me right.....hopefully, I won't be disappointed.
Be glad you didn't buy a kimber they'd tell you to put 1,000rds through it the call them back....LOL
Let us know how it goes. I have heard great things about their service dept.
09-13-2013, 10:01
I had a few minor feed problems, including failure to extract, with my RIA Tactical .45 when I got it. Sent it back to them, and got it back 9 days later. They did some polishing here and there (inc. feed ramp) replaced springs and ejector, and it runs flawlessly. About 500 rds aince without a single hiccup. Excellent service!
Got my .38 Super back this evening via UPS. Looks like the feedramp and bbl have been polished, extractor and ejector tweaked a bit, and breech face cleaned up. Plan on getting it out to the range tomorrow to see how she shoots. Hopefully, problems have been resolved.
09-21-2013, 03:07
A friend of mine has been looking for 9mm magazines. Do the 38's work with 9mm?
Major Tom
09-21-2013, 05:37
First thing I do with any auto pistol I acquiere, is to polish the feed ramps on the frame and barrel. Also, check for burrs on slide and frame; lightly grease slide and corresponding frame rails. Check magazine for burrs too.
Got back from local rock quarry about an hour ago. Very pleased to report that the RIA .38 Super performed like a champ. Fed three 9 round mags through it without a hiccup. Action and cycling were butter smooth. Accuracy was decent also as I was able to keep the beer cans dancing at 20-30 yards distance. Hats off to Armscor/Rock Island for rectifying a problematic pistol and picking up all shipping charges.
Glad to hear it. I have had ZERO problems with my RIA1911A1 that weren't self inflicted after the first couple of mags.
Now, I have mostly had massive failures due to my magwell funnel grips and cheap GI mags. I'm ok with that, I just really need to smack the mags in hard and teach the wife to do the same.
Here's an update on the RIA .38 Super. Since last report I've had an Ed Brown beavertail and Cylinder & Slide hammer, sear, and disconnector installed. Because the frame was contoured for the beavertail install, I also had the pistol re-blued and got rid of that obnoxious billboard logo on the left side of the slide.
10-15-2013, 06:38
Love my 38 super as well. Mine originally belonged to my great grandfather.
had the pistol re-blued and got rid of that obnoxious billboard logo on the left side of the slide.
I like that obnoxious billboard :( ....LOL
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