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View Full Version : Hole Spacing for Repro 03A4 mounts

08-12-2013, 01:33
is the Hole Spacing for Repro 03A4 mounts the same as the original Redfield mounts? I am having an A4 assembled and my choices are either buy whole repro unit (mount and rings) or use an original Redfield Jr. mount and order repro rings.

Any suggestions on how to proceed? Source of repro is New Zealand. Is there a domestic source other than Gibbs? They will only sell to dealers.

Col. Colt
08-12-2013, 04:13
Be aware that a "new" Redfield Jr. mount may require some bending and tweaking to fit down exactly on the reciever. Not a big deal, just need to have the guts to do it. I think my gunsmith whacked mine eight times with a large dead blow hammer until it lay flat!

I would watch for (and buy) one of the Lyman replacement/rebuild mounts - it's GI, but not as expensive as an original Redfield from the 1940s. Remove your rear sight, slide the GI mount over the dovetail and mark your holes for drilling. Simple. Rings are readily available, though original military finish are expensive. I recommend you find a Lyman Alaskan scope and appropriate (7/8") rings - it's easily twice the scope the Weaver is, and was later used on the 03A4 as the M73, M81 and M82. CC

08-12-2013, 06:55
spend the extra money on a Denver made Redfield in the red and white box.. the China made bases are a POS>

Col. Colt
08-12-2013, 08:05
chuckindenver has the experience most of us lack - he works on these rifles regularly. I would agree that finding the original red rectangular Redfield boxed Jr. Mount would be best - drops right on withou any whacking or fitting needed, correct contours for a real springfield reciever. The ones currently in stores say "made in USA" on the cellophane and cardboard package, but do not fit and lay down well without work. I eventually changed my current production "reworked Jr mount" for the Lyman postwar rebuild mounts that are unmarked. Fit like a glove! CC

Jim in Salt Lake
08-13-2013, 08:55
2nd on the Weaver 330, they are indeed crap. Check out the CMP Vintage Sniper rules (http://odcmp.com/Competitions/CMPGamesRules.pdf) on page 28 for legal non-issue scopes. Beside the Lyman Alaskan, the Weaver K2.5 is listed. Both are much better than the Weaver 330. The Weaver K2.5 uses a 1" tube while the Alaskan is still 7/8". If you're trying to build a "historically accurate" A4, the K2.5 wouldn't work. If you're building it for Games competition, I think the Weaver K2.5 is the way to go.

08-13-2013, 09:47
If you're trying to build a "historically accurate" A4, the K2.5 wouldn't work. If you're building it for Games competition, I think the Weaver K2.5 is the way to go. That is what I am doing, which is why the Weaver 330 for good or ill. However, I plan on putting together a WW II Marine A4 with correct Unertl style scope.

08-13-2013, 04:02
you need to figure out what rifle your building..
the A4 was used by the Army...and made on the 1903A3 action..
the 1903A1 USMC sniper rifle is just that...used by the Marines and based on the 1903A1 rifle..
do some more research...you have 2 rifles mixed together as one.

08-13-2013, 04:12
rifles with the long scope are A1 sniper rifles..rifle with the short scope is a Replica A4..
a few guys have tried to build A4s from 1903 Actions and A1s from the A3 actions./
take your time...do it right..rather then toss a bunch of money at something half assed

08-13-2013, 05:31
My bad. Learning curve on nomenclature, dontchaknow. I will look for an 03 for the A1 project.

08-13-2013, 06:51
no worries,..your not the first one....