View Full Version : 1903 USMC Rebuild, 1906 Receiver, 1941 Sedgley Barrel, and C Stock 03A1

08-31-2013, 07:37
Another member here told me about this one after he passed on it and I picked it up. I was curious what you guys thought about it. I'm pretty sure it's a USMC rebuild. Looking at it I can count a lot of features of a Marine rebuild.

1) 8-41 Sedgley Barrel
2) Hatcher hole
3) Vice marks on barrel under handguard (I didn't take a pic of it, but it's there)
4) Stippled Buttplate
5) No cartouches on stock. S stamp in magazine cutoff. That is the only mark
6) That light colored Parked Finish

I normally pass on rifles in this condition, but this one sort of intrigued me. It has a low serial number which I believe is from 1906. So it most likely saw service in WWI and WWII. Also I believe I remember seeing many of the 03's that went to Guadalcanal and some of the early islands were the 03A1's. With the 1941 barrel date and the C stock I was sort of thinking this one might have went. Also it definitely was used after rebuild. It didn't sit in an armory somewhere.

Anyways what do you guys think of it?








Rick the Librarian
08-31-2013, 08:16
Looks like a USMC, but one thing that attracts me is it is awfully close to mine ... SA 230477! Mine is original going back to the conversion to 30-06 @ 1908-1909. Interesting the different "paths" that rifles of similar serial number took!




09-01-2013, 03:42
I'm kicking myself for passing on this rifle. At least it went to a good home and hopefully I get first dibs if you ever decide to sell it.

Bill in Texas
09-01-2013, 05:23
Nice score, CplNorton!
Gotta' love the history. I'd be proud to own it, as I'm sure you are.
Thanks for sharing with good pictures.

09-01-2013, 05:59
Wonderful pictures! Wow, that's an interesting rifle. I'll bet that it went to the Pacific and saw a lot of combat. Maybe to Korea too. Thanks for sharing!

da gimp
09-01-2013, 08:43
Congrats to both on two more fine rifles.........................

cpl Norton (steve?)........ how is your son sir? it has been a long time since we talked , know that he & you all are in our prayers.....

09-01-2013, 09:14
Rick, beautiful rifle! It blows my mind when I think that these are nearly 107 years old. Even thought I'm getting old, I still only think of them being a "newer" rifle. I love your rifle by the way. Think if it could only talk? I wish so much these rifles could tell us where they have been. I bet they have some stories!

Scott- Thank you for passing on it. I'm glad you did because I got it. lol Just kidding. If I ever sell you will hear of it first and get it for what I have in it. Thank you again my friend for telling me about it. :)

Da Gimp- Hey how you doing sir? I have been busy moving and remodeling a house for almost 6 or 7 months now and I haven't been on the forum doing much. I lurk around once in a while, and I heard you were having a tough go of it. I have thought about you many times and have had my whole family pray for you. I hope you are doing better as I miss our talks. :)

As for my son, he's going to be 2 in November. It doesn't even seem possible. As close as we were to losing him, he's a little ornery sucker now. lol He's showing no signs of any other problems, he is as normal as a little boy as you could ever hope for. The house we bought is in the middle of the forest and corn fields and has a nice little piece of land. And everyday he goes out and plays with my 4 year old until they are covered in mud smiling. Then I hose them down and put them to bed and we repeat the next day. It's a real miracle from God that as much as he went thru that he is just a normal little dirty boy who loves life. So I am truly, truly blessed!

Rick the Librarian
09-01-2013, 11:41
My older daughter had problems when she was born - the 24 hours we had to wait during that period was the longest 24 hours of my life! Today she is 33 and a SFC deep in the wilds of Afghanistan, backing up a Special Forces unit. Glad to hear your son is doing well, too.