View Full Version : What do you guys think?
09-07-2013, 06:54
I got it in my pea sized brain that I want to make some chargers for the krag just like the ones Parashooter used to make.
What are you guys thoughts? Fools errand? Half baked? Something that is needed though on a very small level? Greatest idea since sliced bread that even surpasses Obumler's Peace Prize?
Dick Hosmer
09-07-2013, 07:02
Number three - number four will never be surpassed.
09-07-2013, 08:38
I have never made "stripper" clips. (Why would I want to clip a stripper?) I did make some chargers for US and Norwegian Krags. These are handy for rapid-fire situations requiring more than six shots - and otherwise superfluous.
09-07-2013, 12:10
Mine works to perfection. It's made a little different than parashooter's, it has a solid back which allows me to strategically place a pop rivet so that I don't have to worry about the rounds spilling out the top if I mishandle the thing. I don't use my thumb to push them down, I pick it up between thumb and middle finger, then strip them with my index finger. At Camp Perry I was shooting with a fellow that thought it just the improvement he was looking for so that he could shoot his Krag left handed rather than the MAS36 he was using to defend the honor of France. Here's some blurry photos of use, it works especially well from prone, I don't even have to take the rifle off my shoulder, and I'm reloaded in seconds. Spritz!
I have never made "stripper" clips. (Why would I want to clip a stripper?) I did make some chargers for US and Norwegian Krags. These are handy for rapid-fire situations requiring more than six shots - and otherwise superfluous.
I was the lucky guy who bought the very stripper clip that is imaged above. It has a teak wood plug on the top held in with brass nails with the heads filed off flush with the wood. Beautiful clip! I also bought your finest copper model. Both are excellent! Too bad I don't own a Krag anymore.
09-07-2013, 06:32
Thanks for clarifying that para's has a closed top. Couldn't see it, but I see the nails now. Although mine will go down in the magazine vertically and feed like his, I found that it doesn't need to go all the way in there. The rifle is rotated to the left enough that the charger can be held vertically. It's left side is against the receiver and the right side is only slightly in the magazine. Close enough, they shoot right in there. Seems to work a little better than trying to force the cartridges to go 90 degrees. Once they're spritzed in, just lift the charger enough that it's out of the way and you can then smack the magazine gate with the heel of your hand to finish the load. I had a lot of time left in my rapid fire string, might have shot the string in 60 seconds or less. If I'd used some of the 20 seconds I had to spare to check target numbers and hold harder, things would've gone better for me. (Gotta make a note of that, shoot slower next year!)
09-07-2013, 07:33
I thought you were going to get them made Bob? I'm sitting here tapping my foot... waiting for my Madsen Special to arrive... LOL!
I'm thinking I might bite the bullet and make one this winter (or get it made for me). Based on my pitiful performance at Camp Perry... I need to improve all the way around!
09-07-2013, 08:12
Superfluous perhaps but how much stuff do we each own that is superfluous to our existance? I might as well make a couple for myself.
Thanks guys
09-07-2013, 10:02
. . .stripper clip that is imaged above. It has a teak wood plug on the top held in with brass nails with the heads filed off flush with the wood.
1. They're chargers. (No strippers or other exotic dancers were involved in design or production.)
2. Not nails, they're through brass rod with both ends riveted over. That way they can't work themselves out.
Final version dispensed with two-piece wooden plug, replacing it with integral soldered or folded closure. Unlike some designs, the U-slot is open from above - enabling user to propel cartridges into magazine with thumb or finger of either hand.
09-08-2013, 08:23
You should draw up some plans Para... I'm thinking there would be a market for plans, much the same as there's a market for model plans or housing blueprints.
I'm planning on making myself a charger this winter, and I sure would like to get my hands on a set of plans.
1. They're chargers. (No strippers or other exotic dancers were involved in design or production.)
2. Not nails, they're through brass rod with both ends riveted over. That way they can't work themselves out.
Final version dispensed with two-piece wooden plug, replacing it with integral soldered or folded closure. Unlike some designs, the U-slot is open from above - enabling user to propel cartridges into magazine with thumb or finger of either hand.
I stand corrected. I just wasn't thinking when I typed the post.
09-08-2013, 11:08
Paul, I think the basic pattern is in the forum archives, don't have time to look for it and link you to it right now, but we've discussed it before and parashooter put up the dimensions. Mine is rough because it was my first attempt, didn't need anymore at the time, but I have enough .030" sheet brass to make several. No doubt aluminum would be easier to bend and cheaper.
09-08-2013, 12:17
I think I'd go with Brass. Aluminum can be easy to bend, but can also be brittle. Brass can be bent and formed easily, and the joints can be soldered giving it a smooth and finished appearance. I'll look in the archives , and if I find it, I'll post a link!
09-08-2013, 02:46
Sell plans? You've got to be kidding. Would you want to deal with klutzes who can't follow instructions or snip a pattern?
Here's a copy of the cutting template, complete with a ruler. If you have the skill to re-size and print this at actual size, you might also be able to transfer it to sheet metal and bend it into a useable charger.
Brass is good, copper really nice, aluminum works fine, as does steel - made a couple from an empty WD40 can: ugly but functional.
09-09-2013, 06:47
That's awesome Para... Many Thanks to you sir!!!
09-18-2013, 05:11
1. They're chargers. (No strippers or other exotic dancers were involved in design or production.)
2. Not nails, they're through brass rod with both ends riveted over. That way they can't work themselves out.
Final version dispensed with two-piece wooden plug, replacing it with integral soldered or folded closure. Unlike some designs, the U-slot is open from above - enabling user to propel cartridges into magazine with thumb or finger of either hand.
Do you plan to make any more? I just started shooting the CMP Games with a Krag and have been loading individually, one mistake and I'm screwed.
09-18-2013, 09:16
Do you plan to make any more?
No. These are strictly for my own amusement. If you need one, making it yourself is not beyond the skill level of anyone who can operate a Krag without mishap. In other words, unless so clumsy your own feet are at risk when shooting, you should be able to handle a little basic sheet metal work.
09-18-2013, 09:21
Yea, I only cut myself twice, and I'm almost at the level Parashooter mentioned. Brass sheet is available on ebay or other websites that specialize in sheet metal.
09-18-2013, 10:01
Or check the K&S metals display at the local hardware store -$282$29.JPG
09-19-2013, 07:37
I'll give it a try, it's going to be raining this Saturday anways,
09-19-2013, 06:12
Try Lowes or Home Depot too. They have metal and supplies too. I'm going to make one myself this fall!
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