View Full Version : Cabela's library is full of M1 carbine fakestorations
Johnny in Texas
09-11-2013, 07:52
Wow,those seem pricey even for Cabelas.
09-21-2013, 01:43
They may or may not be restorations, but they are selling.
They may be selling but many of them have fake parts on them too. This has been predicted that in time down the road many people will not know the fake parts are not real and will assume that they are and with time the true parts and the fakes will be mixed into reality. Not good for the future of carbine collecting.
Mike Josephic
09-22-2013, 10:23
It's just not on M1 carbines -- the same problem exists with about all of WW II issued rifles and pistols.
There is so much clever fakery out there now that you have to be a detective. Rising prices were a contributing
factor. This which made previously cost prohibitive fakery profitable.
[B][/Those prices make me think about selling my "Inland-- SG and IBM carbines: NOT !!!B]
That is very true. Do not think that you can buy one off the internet and know what you are getting. Even the folks that are supposed to be honest are cashing in on the scam because of the price. It is buyer beware !!!!! The dollar rules here !!
more years than i care to remember, b ut i purchased a M1 Carbine at a gun show in New Bern NC for 150 us dollars, came home and found out it was a winchester, are these things really that valuable i about choked when i saw the price tag for the winchester
mine shoots great and i was surprised at the group at 50 meters and even more surprised at 1 1/2 to 2" groups at 100 yards with some old GI ball ammo that i had, one other curiosity about it is it has a fat stock, weren't those for the fully auto capable M1 carbines? but it is what it is and it do shoot
Your stock was change most likely during a rebuild. In many cases the pot belly stock helps to aid the accuracy of a carbine. Do they still have shows in New Bern area?
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