View Full Version : removal of collar on barrel of 03

09-18-2013, 06:41
Am building a clone '41, got all the pieces and parts and a rifle. have a lyman target spot (curious because i got if from grand father and it has a 7 digit number engraved on it with the letters SA?, have read that sometimes the serial number was engraved on the scope? who knows? got several 03's from Grand dad one is a bull barreled 03 he shot at perry in the late 30's)
but back to job at hand
i believe that complete rear sights can be had from numrich and also collars, I have several front sights, better to go ahead and get a new collar and sight for new criterion barrel, or pull the old one, sometimes pulling these things (so i have been told is a pita)
who has pulled one, is this something that one can do if he is careful and has the correct punches for the pins? or better left to a trained smith

Jim in Salt Lake
09-18-2013, 09:58
Here's a thread from a few years ago about taking them off >> http://www.jouster.com/forums/showthread.php?10157-Before-i-start-pounding-on-it.......&highlight=remove+frsb I have a Criterion barrel for mine after the current barrel goes, I would lean toward looking for another rear sight base I think.

09-21-2013, 08:25
no heat...
if you dont think you can do it...dont..
gunparts corp bases are junk...no pin holes, and undersized..
with the right tools, its not bad...with less then standard tools you can screw the pooch.

Col. Colt
09-22-2013, 12:21
Not a do it yourself project, without tools, great care and knowledge. I have an otherwise nice early Remington collar that someone destroyed the backside of the sight groove by beating on it with something hard. I have also heard that it is good to leave the sight base installed on the collar for extra strength if you do attempt this - but it is probably better left to an expert. And chuckindenver does it as an everyday thing.

If you insist on trying it, there was a guy on ebay selling a special pair of tools for it, but that would probably end up costing as much as having it done, with no guarantees. For only one time, it probably does not make sense to do it at home. CC

09-29-2013, 01:02
I bought those tools the guy on e-bay was selling, they were well worth it, (well made etc.) I have used those tools on about 6 barrels now!
I would not even try to work on these barrels without the proper tools, and I would not recommend any other methods! Just MHO