View Full Version : Stock Identification?

09-21-2013, 02:11
Over the weekend I purchased 3 stocks from an old fellow that didn't want them in his closet anymore. I have identified two of them but I am not sure of the top stock. None of the stocks have the 03A3 cut.

The top stock is a high side stock that has a series of cartouches. It has a script P and no other proof marks. The other cartouches are hard to make out. It appears to have a small boxed RA-P, an A. A. J. large boxed and then a cartouche that is small under them that appears to start with a J .. maybe an S and then maybe a D or B. cannot tell for sure. The end is marked with a small S under a large script 5. There is a small F or E in the cutoff. Is the J cartouche the original cartouche or is that a rebuild mark too? What era rifle would this have been on originally? SA 1910-1918?

Handguard. Not sure what date, assume it is a replacement but it is pretty crude. Ideas?

The middle stock has an ord wheel and open box RLB. It has a boxed AAH0 and AAH1 rebuild cartouche. It has a small circled P proof as well as two boxed P proofs. I suspect this would be correct on a RA 1903 3.1million rifle prior to the boxed FJA. Looks like there may be an ord bomb on the end.

The bottom stock is marked with an ord wheel and boxed FJA (Late Rem 03, 3.2Mil range?). It has a small circle P proof. The end has an ord bomb. It also has a small cut out for the bolt handle that appears to be done during rebuild. It also has a Box RIA/FK. In front of the trigger guard cut out is a circled 5 and 11 over boxed 5 and 3. The last two numbers could be a 6 and an 8 but I think they are 5 and a 3.

Any help on the first stock would be appreciated as well as the bottom two.


Rick the Librarian
09-21-2013, 02:48
1. Top stock - the markings you describe are a little confusing. The only two I can definitely nail down is the AAJ - a overhaul stamp from Augusta Arsenal, if it is in large letters, and the RA-P from Raritan Arsenal, possibly WWII. The stock itself, appears to be a "straight wall" stock from about 1910 or before, or at least it started out that way. It would have had no stock bolts or maybe the rear one and later, during overhaul, had the second one added. What "end" are you talking about? The forward end "wedge" that you see when you look at the muzzle? A pre-WWI SA stock would have a 1/8" S and a RIA would have a 1/4" S. Maybe take a shot at a picture of the area where the inspection stamps are.

2. Middle stock - actually, the "bare" RLB was used slightly after (and somewhat concurrent to) the box RLB. Could be a 3,050,000-3,100,000 range Remington. The boxed RLB was used from the start of Remington production, by the way.

3. Bottom stock: Does the stock have "slots" for a 03A3 handguard ring? If not, the stock does date to about a 3.2M range Remington M1903, before the "pinned" stocks were introduced later in production.

John Beard
09-21-2013, 08:16
Does your upper stock have a plugged upper band screw hole positioned 0.2" in front of the exising hole? Please advise.



09-22-2013, 08:47

I did not think to take a close up picture of the area by the upper band. In the picture I do have it appears there may be something there when I enlarge it. I will not be home until the weekend. I'll check and post pictures of that area when I get a chance. In the interim I'll post some addition pics of the top stock for you and Rick to help give you a better idea of what it may be. Some of the features appear to be to early for 2 stock bolts but it is what it is and I not sure what "that" is. Thanks for the response.

09-22-2013, 09:08
J.B., Rick,
Hopefully this will answer some of your questions and clarify my original post. I have taken multiple pictures of the cartouches but this picture is one of the clearest of the 3 cartouches. On the bottom you can see a "J" it is covered by a diagonal boxed RA-P (appears to be the last cartouche applied) and then you can clearly see the last two letters of the large A.A.J. boxed cartouche. My guess it appears the small J S? B or D? was first then AAJ then the RA-P and that is a swag. I will not have the stock in hand again until the weekend but the small s on the tip appears to 1/8inch in the picture. Any comments on the handguard that was with it. I assume replacement, but it is very crude, i.e, not very well sanded or finished.
Thanks again for your comments.

09-22-2013, 09:17
Here are some additional pics of the middle stock with R L B stamp.

09-22-2013, 09:27
Additional pics of the bottom stock. There is no relief cut for O3A3 Band. Any idea why the little relief was cut where the bolt handle would be? Is this a crude cut for a sniper bolt done at RIA? The stock tip has either an ord bomb or a 3 stamped on it.


09-22-2013, 09:32
few more shots of the hand guard... looks normal but would like an estimate on vintage.


John Beard
09-22-2013, 08:37
The top stock was made in 1905, but has since been altered to add two stock bolts.

The handguard was made in 1942 and goes with one of your Remington stocks.

Hope this helps.


09-22-2013, 08:50
Thank you very much for your time and information. I new it was pretty early but not that early.


Rick the Librarian
09-23-2013, 06:23
The Remington stock was the last variation of RLB, the "spread" variety. I believe in your original post you said 3.1M range, which, I believe would be correct. It was succeeded by the FJA inspection stamp about 3.2M.