View Full Version : which scope would be the best choice for A4?
razors edge
09-24-2013, 10:43
I have 2 scope's-want one for my A4 is first block serial #34211XX. Scope 5333 has cross hair. Allweather scope is post with lateral cross hair. Caps have drawing #'s. Let me know what would be best for my A4..thanks
Col. Colt
09-24-2013, 05:50
Hard to beat what you have got! Unless you want to use a more modern scope - like a Weaver K 2.5 - 60, allowing 1" Rings - but I'm not sure you would gain anything over the Alaskan! CC
razors edge
09-24-2013, 07:20
Of the two which one would be "more" respectable?
do you already own these, what are you going to do with the rifle, shoot it in the cmp sniper competition? or make a wall hanger
which one has the best optics, i shoot a lyman alaskan on mine and it has shot a clean at 600, so the alaskan can do the job
09-25-2013, 10:34
A Lyman Alaskan with drawing numbers on the caps is very desirable for use on a real A4 since it is a USGI scope. I personally much prefer the fine crosshair reticle for target shooting. I guess it boils down to what you want - a good target rifle or a more technically correct rifle.
09-25-2013, 03:58
The "correct" scope for your rifle would be the Weaver 330C, with the etching on the side. Mr. Gaynor may give a more detailed answer
razors edge
09-25-2013, 10:01
Thanks. .I do plan yo do cmp matches. I have the m731b scope but needs work. Any one out there restore them ?
Johnny in Texas
09-25-2013, 10:46
Ironsightinc does the Weaver 330
the Alaskan 5333 scope based on my observations I believe is post WWII,the war time Alaskans all had the early style s/n
Of the two which one would be "more" respectable?
Of the two scopes the one with the plain cross wire reticle would be most like the M73 (Commercial Lyman Alaskan) or the M81 (Lyman Alaskan w/ eyeshade and sunshade).
09-26-2013, 11:42
Jim, Why would you say that the crosshair reticle scope would be more like the M73? I've seen M73's with both reticles and since the post and crosshair scope has drawing numbered caps, I'd highly suspect that it is a genuine (but unmarked) M73. Granted, the majority of USGI M73's had fine crosshair reticles. Rick
Col. Colt
09-26-2013, 11:58
Serial number and date/age would help here. If old enough (pre-War) it could be one of the prototypes! If the only thing numbered was the screw on caps, they are too easy to change from another scope to prove anything by themselves. And I thought the military covers were numbered on the top, not the side? CC
Jim, Why would you say that the crosshair reticle scope would be more like the M73? I've seen M73's with both reticles and since the post and crosshair scope has drawing numbered caps, I'd highly suspect that it is a genuine (but unmarked) M73. Granted, the majority of USGI M73's had fine crosshair reticles. Rick
Rick only that I can readily document the cross wire reticle where as the combination horizontal wire and post seems to have come in with the M84.
As far as the caps go there are at least five different styles including at least one w/o GI Drawing numbers (7nnnnnn).
Serial number and date/age would help here. If old enough (pre-War) it could be one of the prototypes! If the only thing numbered was the screw on caps, they are too easy to change from another scope to prove anything by themselves. And I thought the military covers were numbered on the top, not the side? CC
Col. they are seen numbered on top on the sides and no numbers at all. GI scopes may also have drawing numbers on the W&E turrets, and other components as well.
Johnny in Texas
09-27-2013, 01:35
If you are asking which one is closest to a military contract scope it is #5333 I have scope s/n 5199 and it is a commercial Lyman Alaskan NOT marked ALL-WEATHER with high dome caps and marked TELESCOPE-M73 on the turret block. I also have scope s/n 5260 it does not have the ALL-WEATHER has the same small s/n and has the high dome caps but is NOT marked TELESCOPE-M-73 probably made in '43 same as the others. These scope were made up for the M1903A4 in '43 and later remarked M81 for use on the M1C. There are some Canadian military Alaskans in the 4890 s/n range.
The high dome caps and the small s/n and lack of ALL-WEATHER markings are what would indicate '43 production. I have a scope like your also can't remember the s/n but in the mid 5XXX range.
09-27-2013, 02:55
Jim, I recently saw a parkerized Lyman Alaskan with drawing numbered caps that had a post and crosshair reticle. Since the parkerizing generally indicates that the scope was rebuilt by an Army depot, I have a pretty good feeling that this was a genuine USGI scope.
Johnny in Texas
09-27-2013, 03:38
I have seen Lymans Alaskans and Weaver 330's that were in bad condition and were Parkerized to give them a fresh military look. Don't go by that finish alone. I have parked lots of things that needed a new finish from lantern parts to tools and yes a Lyman Alaskan and an M82. They are simple to take apart with the correct tools.
09-28-2013, 06:40
Johnny, the parkerized finish combined with the drawing numbered caps seems to be more than a coincidence but that's just my opinion.
Johnny in Texas
09-28-2013, 09:03
Numbered caps were used in Lyman commercial production post war. It would be cool looking but USGI I doubt that. If the s/n was in the low 5K range maybe. People had been trying to Militarize Alaskans for years and that is one way to do it.
you going to shoot it? that might make a difference to me, which one has best optics, pretty scope that you can not see anything would not make sense
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