View Full Version : Stevens (?) 520-30 Trench Gun, Pt. 2
Additional photos attached as original Thread couldn't handle them. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
09-29-2013, 11:53
Dunno, but it is way cool with that CD mark engraved on it. Perfect for keeping order when supplies in the public fallout shelter start to get low and claustrophobia sets in. Looks like original markings buffed off prior to Parkerizing.
Thanks for the reply.
I thought of that, but I doubt the original markings were "buffed out". You would have to remove a pile of metal to eliminate any trace of factory stampings. Plus, all metal edges/corners are sharp, including the serial number on trigger guard tang - buffing will usually round these out.
09-29-2013, 01:52
Was it maybe a Wards or Sears? But they still have markings higher up on the left side. Definitely a redone riot gun, though. Lots of WWII stuff was repurposed in strange ways for Civil Defense. Hand guard is original, which is a shame with the park over the blue and plumb.
10-09-2013, 06:41
"scosgt" and "SPEEDGUNNER", thanks for your replies, but a fake what?? Trench Gun, or Civil Defense gun? This shotgun was never held out to be a legit Trench Gun, as my description of it in Pt. 1 bears out. When I purchased this over 20 years ago at a local gun shop, it was just another shotgun on the used gun rack. And this was long before my interest in combat shotguns.
What I was hoping for was some insight on why, other than the serial number and "12-gauge" info stamped on the barrel, there is a lack of factory markings, i.e., "520-30", "J. Stevens", Montgomery Ward", etc.?
And why would anyone take the time to fake a "CD" marking?
This is what always happens. Someone comes on line with a totally, totally wrong gun.
So we tell you it is fake, meaning that whatever it is now, it is not the way it started life.
And now you start to rationalize the gun, as in "who would make fake CD markings".
Next you will start cursing us out, because your gun is not what you want it to be.
It is a fake phony put together "trench" gun. It is nothing.
No one will ever be able to answer your question for sure...Its a conversation piece now if you like it enjoy it for what it is...a mystery to some and fake to others.
10-10-2013, 05:00
I think scosgt is being overly harsh. It is clearly a curiosity and the OP has some good questions, whether or not the purists like them or not and is not seeking validation. One of my collecting areas is Atomic Age and Civil Defense. And although I have no guns in this collection yet, I have seen numerous repurposed military shotguns modified for CD use. I think it is a legitimate line of research into what happened to guns transitioning from a "hot war" to the Cold War.
Thanks to all who replied.
I don't think I ever said I "wanted it to be a trench gun", not would I be bent-out-of-shape because it isn't - which it isn't. I now have enough basic knowledge about military issue trench/riot guns now to know IT IS NOT a legit trench gun or riot gun!
Some on this site seemed to be totally consumed with "if it ain't a legit trench gun, it ain't sh@t", and not worth talking about.
On the other hand, as an example, there is written history that some Remington Model 10A Trench Guns morphed into "riot guns" after WWI. Unfortunately, as "bigskybound" eluded to, there is not much interest or research into what happened to WWII and post-war shotguns. Yes, many went off to law enforcement and prisons, and some on to Korea and Vietnam - but what about the whole Civil Defense thing through the late '40's and '50's?.
I'm still curious about the lack of factory Stevens/Savage markings, and possible history of "CD" markings, which was my purpose in posting on this respected site - to ask the general combat shotgun gurus (not exclusively the trench gun gurus) their opinions.
The Ohio National Guard had Stevens 520-30 trench and riot guns that were new in the box.
They were marked with a "cloisonne" CD tag. NOTHING like what you have.
Thanks for the info. While looking for "CD" marked stuff on the internet, I've seen images/photos of the Remington Model 11 shotgun with the "cloisonné" tags - couldn't find anything else for any other shotgun.
Ref: the Ohio National Guard 520-30's, BNIB, how long ago was that? Were they lacking the usual Stevens/Savage factory engraving/stamps? I'm still intrigued over the lack of factory markings, other than the serial number.
Thanks for the info. While looking for "CD" marked stuff on the internet, I've seen images/photos of the Remington Model 11 shotgun with the "cloisonné" tags - couldn't find anything else for any other shotgun.
Ref: the Ohio National Guard 520-30's, BNIB, how long ago was that? Were they lacking the usual Stevens/Savage factory engraving/stamps? I'm still intrigued over the lack of factory markings, other than the serial number.
I was offered one for sale, back probably around 1995. It was new in the box. That was at the OGCA show. A bunch of those guns, Rem 11 and Stevens 520-30, came out of ONG, probably in the 1960's or 70's.
But you need to be aware, there is no such thing as a trench gun without makers marks. There is no such thing as a US Military weapon of the 20th Century that does not have a serial number. When guns were obtained without serials in the blanket procurement program, Uncle put on serial numbers. There are a bunch of Stevens riot guns around that are like that. They ALSO have military acceptance marks.
What you have is a made up gun. There is absolutely nothing military about it.
"scosgt"...thanks for the reply.
I don't know if you read my "Pt.1" of this thread, where I detailed info to indicate it would not be a military shotgun - which obviously it is not.
There is the factory engraved serial number, #40xx8, on the trigger guard lower tang that mates with pistol grip, and matching number on the barrel assembly where it mates with receiver.
Barrel is only stamped on left side, near receiver, with "Proof Tested - 12 Gauge - 2-3/4" Chamber" - nothing else.
Is it common for 520-30's NOT to be stamped with "Mod. 520-30" on the left side of receiver?
"engraved" is not a factory serial number. They are always stamped.
It is not a 520-30, it is a contract gun made by Stevens for someone else. It would only say 520-30 on it if it also said "Stevens".
Sorry...meant "stamped" serial number.
Thanks for the info.
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