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View Full Version : Found a carbine at the show - need info please

09-29-2013, 03:19
Combo of parts -

Inland 93xxxx
Barrel SA 2-51 - 1.5 on the muzzle gauge.
Receiver - Inland with SG
Bolt - flat - SG
Hammer - H.I.
Mag release - M underlined but can't see another mark
Safety - JAO
Slide - angle face - 7161843 28627
Rear sight - I.R. Co
Front sight - no mark that I can see
Bayonet lug - I.A.
Stock - pot belly - 'SA' inside but 'LEAD' on outside

Cool little shooter carbine. Traded an old colt lawman iii that was given to me plus $100 cash. The 1951 Springfield - SA? - barrel and possibly other parts is intriguing to me - where could I read more about the post-WWII rebuilds? My library concentrates on the WWII carbines. Thanks!!

09-29-2013, 05:28
Pay close attention to what you are getting unless you are knowledgeable about the Carbine. I bought one from Deans Gun Restoration in Jacksboro Tennessee that was supposed to be a rebuilt Inland. I gave $1495.00 for it thinking that I would have a very nice carbine to give for my son's birthday. Well wrong answer. The Carbine that I got looked good but, the rear sight had been staked so many times that it looked as though wood peckers had been at work there. The slide slot on the receiver was worn so bad that the hold open pin would not reach the cut out in the receiver rail. dean wanted to put a longer hold open pin in the slide rail. LOL I opted to return it to DGR and the fun began !! dean held $300.00 of my refund calling it a restocking fee. He is the one that sent me the screwed up rifle not the other way around. He needs to send me my money back !!!

Johnny in Texas
09-29-2013, 05:44
I have a Quality HMC carbine that has many SA marked parts as well as a '51 SA barrel nice shooter. SA made rear sights, bayonet bands,slides, trigger housings,front sights, barrels,stocks,sears,maybe everything but the receiver have never seen an SA bolt,trigger,mag catch but maybe others have.

09-29-2013, 07:57
It's an Inland receiver that was made for Inland by Saginaw Gear as a sub-contractor to Inland. It was rebuilt and updated most likely around the Korean War period. The Hammer is Inland as is the barrel band which is a late war one. The bolt is Saginaw Gear, the safety is a late war/post war replacement. Look in the well on the slide for any markings in it. The rear sight is post war replaced and the front sigh if there are no markings on it might have what looks like a thumb nail cut out behind the blade. Look on the inside of the magazine well at the catch and see if there is anything stamped on the right side of it as you look at it.

09-29-2013, 08:43
I appreciate the replies!
Hog611 - after the muzzle gauged 1.5 and everything else looked functional, it was a knee-jerk purchase that really only cost me $100 since I never shot that colt and it didn't cost me a dime.
Johnny - I need to learn more about these post-ww2 carbines.
Tuna - The well of the slide has H.S. stamped in it and the front sight has S.A that I missed before. Still don't see anything on the Mag release in the Mag well.

09-30-2013, 07:01
The slide is a replacement for use on an M2 carbine but it works fine in an M1. I would say your well ahead with the carbine compared to the Colt. It sounds like it should be an enjoyable accurate shooter.

09-30-2013, 01:11
Pay close attention to what you are getting unless you are knowledgeable about the Carbine. I bought one from Deans Gun Restoration in Jacksboro Tennessee that was supposed to be a rebuilt Inland. I gave $1495.00 for it thinking that I would have a very nice carbine to give for my son's birthday. Well wrong answer. The Carbine that I got looked good but, the rear sight had been staked so many times that it looked as though wood peckers had been at work there. The slide slot on the receiver was worn so bad that the hold open pin would not reach the cut out in the receiver rail. dean wanted to put a longer hold open pin in the slide rail. LOL I opted to return it to DGR and the fun began !! dean held $300.00 of my refund calling it a restocking fee. He is the one that sent me the screwed up rifle not the other way around. He needs to send me my money back !!!

The price charged for a rebuild was out and out robbery. To send someone a rifle in that condition was also robbery. To keep money and call it a restocking fee was worse service than you'd get at a house with a red light out front. A rebuild should only run somewhere around $600 for a good one. Or have I been away for too long?

Johnny in Texas
09-30-2013, 02:27
700-800 in Austin Texas for a nice rebuilt carbine from a common MFG'er.

10-01-2013, 03:36
In Mesa, Arizona, guy had $650 on mine before the trade.

10-01-2013, 05:43
Thanks very much Guys. I dont understand why anyone thinks that they can screw the consumer and come out on top. dean at DGR got to keep that money but he let the cat out of the bag when he did. It is like the man that raffled the dead Horse. Someone asked, what are you going to tell the man that wins the dead horse? The reply, I am going to give him his money back!!

10-04-2013, 06:58
It seems that I got a good shafting from DGR on that one. I am still in the market for one, but being wiser from a bought lesson I am being much more careful.
I think now that it is safer to buy one from an individual on Gun Broker than what is supposed to be a professional restorer, anyone have any thoughts on that ? :icon_salut:

10-04-2013, 07:17
Personally, I'd try to buy local first where you can look at the thing in person. Or, if you are going to buy long distance get one that has CMP papers. Might be more expensive but worth it.

10-04-2013, 08:37
Hog611, did Dean ever give that $300 back?

I have never known anyone who charged a stocking fee when returning a gun. That is really a low blow in my opinion. I thought it was pretty much an unwritten rule that everyone gives everyone a 3 day inspection period. The buyer usually has to pay shipping both ways, but a 3 day inspection is still customary in about every dealing I have ever done.

Does his website say there is a restocking fee for returning a gun? $300 is a 20% restocking fee on $1500. Man that is a lot.

Litt'le Lee
10-04-2013, 07:24
years back there were tons of those SA51 barrels floating around gun shows in Texas-they were NOS--my Inland sports one

01-02-2014, 01:19
Hi Hog611
I've been following your stated difficulties with DGR. I notice that you have shared your perceived experience with them on a number of forums. My interest in your experience is based on the fact that I have just purchased a product of theirs that I will comment upon once I receive it. I only have one issue with your explanation of events concerning the purchase of you M-1 carbine from DGR. I think my concern is best summed up in this link I'll provide. I hope you read the link and I hope others on this forum read the link and comment on it with facts and not emotionalism. Thank you for your help. Here is the link http://www.bbb.org/knoxville/business-reviews/guns-and-gunsmiths/deans-gun-restorations-in-jacksboro-tn-90020993/complaints