View Full Version : Finally found some Pistol Powder!
Duane Hansen
09-29-2013, 05:22
Yesterday at one of our local shows, one of the regular dealers came in with pistol powder to sell. I hadn't seen any BullsEye pistol powder for over a year. I bought an 8 lb. container for $150 and was darn glad to get it. I've got everything else so I'm good to go for a while.
10-02-2013, 07:32
I don't know. Every time I talk about Bullseye powder, I get a bunch of guff from some of the "regulars" who always say its dangerous due to potential for double charging. Really? Gee in my 30 + years of reloading .45 ACP and 9mm, I didnt know that! Sheesh
As if the same issue doesn't exist for many other prime pistol powders. In any event, even though burns a little dirty, Bulleseye is an EXCELLENT powder. For the widest range of bullet styles (lead, plated, jacketed, all wts) the most versatile and accurate in .45 ACP I have ever used. (Somebody else's mileage may vary.)
In THIS climate, that's called a good score!
Good old Bullseye powder. Still as versatile as ever. In fact it was one of the original powders used in the .45 acp and later became the powder of choice for the .45 by the military. If you want more bang for the buck then use Bullseye as a pound can go a long way.
I use Bullseye powder but I like AA # 2 a little better. It's slower than bullseye but faster than Unique. Burns cleaner to.
If push comes to shove, all you need is Bullseye and Unique,
which will take care of pistol and rifle.
And if things got really bad, you could load everything with BP.
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