View Full Version : Lucked out on a mosin.
Someone asked on the local guntrader page on facebook if Mosins were worth the money. Well, after a few dozen comments about how awesome they are and how they will break your collarbone and other fanciful tales a guy says he has one for sale for $300 with 440rds in a spam can and its Finnish. Well, I message him and get some pics and it's an M-39 in really good condition. No number on the bolt and mismatched magazine floorplate. I picked it up and it has a nice SAKO cartouche and arsenal cartouche on the stock. I love it when random BS turns into a good buy.
Gotta love the internet warriors....they've helped me a few times
I just can't quiet understand all the hype about the recoil. Yes, it is stout, no, there isn't any cushioning. People are saying you can only shoot about 10rds a day at most and it can break your shoulder and blah blah.
I think some people just want to sound tough by bragging about how bad the recoil is. That ofcourse makes them sound like a giant wuss to those of us who shoot milsurps on a regular basis.
If they are shooting the heavy ball I can see their complaining about recoil and if it's in a carbine it's much worse. But the light ball is easy to shoot and adjust to and the recoil is not bad at all.
10-04-2013, 06:38
I use a slip on recoil pad an shoot the heavy stuff. No problem yet, but still trying to figure out how to mount my scope without mucking up everything an cutting the bolt up. All matching sns on a 91/30 except the byo, which I had to dremel out to fit. Rifle plus 300 rds were only 250.
I shoot a lot of 7.62X54 in both the 91/30 and M44. I don't notice excessive recoil, maybe I'm used to it.
10-05-2013, 05:34
I shoot a lot of 7.62X54 in both the 91/30 and M44. I don't notice excessive recoil, maybe I'm used to it.
Maybe you know how to hold a rifle correctly. ;)
I've never found Mosins to have much more recoil than any other comparable rifle. M1903s with straight stocks can be pretty mean as far as recoil goes too. the hardest kicking milsurp combination I've ever personally experienced was a 7.92x57mm Mauser short rifle coupled to Turkish surplus ball ammunition - ouch!
What Nagants do have especially in the carbine versions is wicked muzzle blast and flash (the commissars were never interested in flash retardants) which frankly translates to recoil as part of the overall experience to a lot of folks.
10-06-2013, 11:14
You will like the M39 compared to any other MN. Better sights and stock plus more accurate and heavier barrel makes for an excellent rifle. The Finns know what they are about. Try some modern Sako's or Tikka's as well.
Recoil? What recoil? They need to shoot my Marline Guide Gun in .45-70. That SOB will leave a mark. I shoot the 148 gr silver-tips in my M91/59 and actually enjoy the kick (and that awesome muzzle flash). I don't use a recoil pad.
Maybe you know how to hold a rifle correctly. ;)
That's my take on it. Most people seem to be afraid to snuggle up to the steel and embrace the recoil.
Only gun I cannot fire allot at one sitting is the No4 Enfield in the prone unsupported position. The top inside corner of the buttplate is right on my collarbone and it gets sore pretty darn quick. I could probably adjust my hold but I get good accuracy so I just put up with the pain on that one.
I must be a recoil junkie...or maybe those who collect milsurp weapons just enjoy the experience of firing "no holds barred" weapons and feeling the same sensations their original users felt. I enjoy the jolt from M95 Steyrs, M44s, M98s, 03A3s, M1917s, Winchester 1897 12 gauge, #4 and #1 Enfields, etc. With the cost of ammo as it is, I want to see lots of fire and smoke, and feel the kick...
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