View Full Version : Point & Click
Richard H Brown Jr
10-07-2013, 09:01
Just Remember....
If you 'Point n Click' with a M1911 or M1911A1, It means you need to reload.
Major Tom
10-08-2013, 08:06
10-08-2013, 12:23
Thanks, I'll try and remember that useful information.
The slide would be locked back-----no click!
Scott Wilson
10-08-2013, 04:45
Actually, no. If you have run the pistol dry there will be no "click" because the slide will be locked to the rear. What you describe is either a failure to fire or a failure on the part of the operated to have chambered a round prior to holstering for carry. The sound of a falling hammer on a 1911 is better described as a SNAP rather than a CLICK, which should be reserved for describing the sound made by striker fired pistols such as Glick, FN, S&W Etc.
Richard H Brown Jr
10-08-2013, 11:14
<start Foghorn Leghorn voice> "It's a joke, son! I say, a joke Son!" </end voice>
Sheesh nitpickers.
But it was not funny-----a joke should be FUNNY!
Well, If you have it "cocked and locked", there is a little click as you push the safety down. If you are just thumbing the hammer back, it makes more of a a click-clack-clack sound if you move it all the way back, or just clack-clack if you have it on half cock. Unless you are one of these people who pin the grip safety - I never understood why anyone would want to do that. And if the skin on the web of your hand is between the hammer and grip safety, that will also result in a different sound.
Some people don't read all the posts, or not carefully anyway! Now thats funny!
10-09-2013, 11:49
Or you've put the stupid little parts of the stupid firing pin block in wrong ............. again !!!!
I do so hate that little addition .
In the world of original G.I. pistols, WTF is a firing pin block? I don't see any such useless junk on any of my 1911 or 1911A1 pistols. If JMB didn't put it there, I don't need or want it!
My point too Marcus, if a firing pin block was there, I'd soon remove it.............. just like the magazine safety on a Browning High Power...... it was removed very quickly too.......
Duane Hansen
10-09-2013, 04:45
Just watched an old episode of "Cannon" he was a detective or Private Eye of some sort in the program. In this particular episode he emptied his semi auto pistol at one of the bad guys and then he clicked it twice and finally looked down at the pistol with disgust. I guess the set folks or directors thought we wouldn't know the difference.
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