View Full Version : Mosin issues on a rifle and carbine.

Dragon 5 Actual
10-10-2013, 06:20
I have two Mosins and both have some issues. One is your standard run of the mill rifle, the other is a Polish Carbine. First off, neither Mosin feed very well. The bottom round or two wont pop up out of the magazine and in both cases the bolt just passes over the round in the magazine without catching it.

The second problem is on my rifle, I had the bent bolt put on by Rock Solid and the bolt is a bit sticky moving in and out of that rifle, and refuses to engage the trigger or dry fire 99 times out of 100 with the same success with a live round. I have a Timney trigger assembly on it, but have tried the bolt from my carbine and it locks and dry fires just fine(I havent tried firing with switched bolts yet) so the issue is bolt related there. Not sure where though, both bolts look identical and the bent bolt works just fine in the carbine. Both are matching bolts by the numbers.

10-12-2013, 05:23
Prob. 1= get new mag springs. Might not be enough tension left in spring too lift final rd. all way up. prob. 2= Mic bolt area on rifle an then new bolt. Use lamp black an find area where it binds. Send back too company too readjust or use valve grinding compound, emery cloth or files to fix problem. But use a qualified gunsmith first if possible.

10-12-2013, 04:46

You may have problems with the cartridge interrupter. This item is unique to Mosins. It facilitates the use of rimmed ammunition by eliminating spring tension on the top cartridge in the magazine. If this system goes bad all sorts of bad things can happen to the rifle, feeding wise.

On the bolt by Rock Solid, if regular issue bolts work fine I would assume that the problem could well be with the Rock Solid bolt.

Dragon 5 Actual
10-12-2013, 08:14
What I find weird is the rock solid welded bolt works fine in the carbine and vice versa in the rifle. I ordered most of a new bolt, aside from the handle piece and we will see I guess where that stands. The magazine spring seemed to me to be the obvious problem in the feed mechanism in getting the bottom round to pop up but both seem pretty stout. I ordered a spare spring just to try it out. I'll check the interrupter as well.