View Full Version : line out inland carbine
Newbe here, and have questions about a lineout inland I looked at yesterday. It is a 608,000 serial range, has an underwood stock and bbl. unmarked trigger housing. Stock has a large ord. wheel on right side, and .U. on left near pistol grip. has bayo lug and adj sight, late safety. Please educate me on what I'm looking at. Thanks, Ken
If the Inland marking was lined out, then there must have been another mark there as well indicating who got the receiver. It could have had an N, .u. Rock-Ola, etc... I'm betting from the serial number that there was a .U. above the Inland name. The .U. on the left side is on the cheek piece and indictes a rebuild by Underwood. Look in the sling bevel for some letters. I bet there is an IO or an HI stamped there. The carbine has been through at least one rebuild. I suspect the barrel is original.
Underwood received 14,000 receivers from Inland between 6-30-43 and 9-2-43. The Inland name would have been lined out and a U stamped above it as Jim stated. What is the date on the barrel of your carbine?
I believe that the bbl date was 9-43. I did not see .u. above the inland marking due to the rear sight in the way. It had the serial # restamped in front of the rear sight behind the bolt opening. Never saw that before. Anyone else ever see that?
With the advent of the adjustable rear sight when a carbine was updated, the serial number was supposed to be restamped in front of the sight just like yours. Turned out it was not often done as it was time consuming. I would hazard a guess of maybe 10% or less of rebuilt carbines were restamped.
That is really interesting on the serial stamping, never knew that. Thanks for sharing that. I may make an offer on it.
Be very careful on the M-1 Carbine. Deans Gun Restorations sold me one with a worn out receiver. Lost near $500.00 on the deal, Wound up buying one from James River Armory.
At least I got what they told me was coming !!!
George in NH
10-16-2013, 10:34
Happy to write that I have Inland 150334 with that number stamped where Tuna has described. It has the usual "upgrades". I believe that each digit was stamped individually. I may try to take some close up pics and post them here. George in NH
Johnny in Texas
10-16-2013, 04:33
The s/n was remarked during rebuild if the rear sight obscured the original s/n I have an S.A. rebuild with the s/n in front of the sight. All restamped s/n's I have seen were on carbines with stamped rear sights because they hung over the rear farther.
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